
"Okay, then what's next?"

"You can fold it like this." Lisa said, teaching Ella to make a paper boat.

The thai decided to pick Ella up from school right after she just sat on the bench of the park to past some time and ponder about what life has for her, "Then you you fold this, try to open this carefully, and there you have it... a boat." The thai giggled, handing Ella the paper boat that she made.

"That's so cool! This can float on the water right?" The little girl clapped her hands together, " Yep! Now you try it, just repeat what I did." Lisa instructed, "Okay okay, wait..." The thai can only watch while Jennie showed up in the living room. "I'm back!" The brunette said from the doorway, while Lisa and Ella can only greet her back.

"What are you guys doing?" Jennie asked, "Unnie taught me how to make a boat! Look what I made!" Ella jumped, giggling.

"That's a hat..." Lisa frowned, "Oh what the fudge? I'll do it again ugh!" Ella grunted, redoing the folds of Lisa's boat just so she can copy it.

"Manoban, can I have a word with you?" Jennie asked, "Yeah, sure—" Jennie suddenly pull Lisa's wrist as she drag her to the garage of her house, away from Ella.

"I spoke with Jongin." Jennie shut the door behind her.


"He told me."

"I see."

"Is it true? You said that I'm too good for you."

"W-what?" Lisa expected something else, she thought that Jennie's going to tell her that she accepted him.

"You told him that I don't mind when I hang out with you, i-is that what you think of me!?" Jennie cracked, Lisa can only pause for a bit, confused to why it's not about Kai.

"Wait, what about Kim Jongin—"

"Kai is NOT important right now!" Jennie cut her off, now on the verge of bursting into tears.


"Did you say that?"


"Did you really say that, Manoban!?" Jennie repeated, this time she's raising her voice.

"Yes, I said that." the thai firmly answered, scratching her nape already nervous, "Is that how you see it?" Jennie asked, "Is that what you think when you come over to my house?" The brunette pressed on.

"It's not like that!" Lisa raised her voice, "It's not that..." The taller girl sighed, clenching her hand into a fist.

"I-It's just what everyone said; I'm all gloomy, a weirdo, a freak. I'm just afraid that you hanging out with me would affect your reputation especially when you defended me yesterday, I never want to give you any trouble."

Is that why you keep on apologizing to me?

Why you try to get rid of me?

"Why?" Is the only word that came out from Jennie's mouth.


"Why give a damn about my reputation and to what they'll think of me!? Don't just decide on your own and let it be! I hate it! especially when you tried to get rid of me."

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