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Judge: Leoqueen108
Author: CCBerenice
Book: Four leaflets of Clover 

Cover: 4/5
The cover was ordinary, could've been more catchy with relevancy to the story along with a female face claim

Title: 5/5
The title was deep and meaningful. It was very imaginative of the author to think of the title and brief it in the description 

Blurb: 3/5
The blurb was lacking content. Could've added even more information about the story. The gist about the story was missing. Otherwise, The blurb was short and sweet

Pace: 5/5
The pace was perfect! It wasn't too fast or too slow! It was apt for the storyline

Plot: 18/20
The plot was nothing like the other books. It was really astonishing to come across such a plot as this. Soulmate genre is common, but this type of storyline under the genre is just awestrucking!

Character development: 13/15
The character development was not much since the story has just begun, but the character development of Yuna was well expressed even in the short period

Grammar: 19/20
The grammar of the story was just flawless. It was stunning to actually not notice even a single error. While rechecking the grammar of the story for the second time, i noticed a very slight error. As an author, whose first language is not English it is honestly incredible to write flawless

Writing style: 14/15
The writing style was really really good! It was neither complicated nor plain. The writing just drives the readers into the story

Overall Enjoyment: 10/10
As a reader, I've read stories from a lot of genres but this one for sure is the best I've read so far in soulmate genre. 
Excellent Work in overall!

Total: 91/100

Judge: Leoqueen108Author: strawberry1dBook: The smirk of an oracle

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Judge: Leoqueen108
Author: strawberry1d
Book: The smirk of an oracle

Cover: 5/5
The cover honestly was stunning! Very eye catchy! It portrayed the vibe of the aesthetic+ancient one which actually suited the plot and the font was readable

Title: 4/5
The title was innovative! But, i didn't get what it actually meant. What does 'smirk' had to do with 'oracle'? It was kinda incomplete

Blurb: 5/5
The blurb was perfect! The description wasn't too much or too less, it was accurate. The content was specified as a gist very well

Pace: 4/5
The pace was kinda slow. It is in need of a lil speed

Plot: 17/20
The plot was unique and mysterious. The storyline was good with catchy subjects such as visions and curses. It might need a little more specified detail on which is gift and curse also how is it related to the main leads which should've been mentioned in the chp 1 along with the starting details. It was kinda confusing to understand with the history background of the curse. But, in overall it had an interesting mind-blowing plot!

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