📝 Jung Hoseok Reviews 📝

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Judge: HPNEIIAuthor: fluffy_dandruffBook: Child of the lost moon

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Author: fluffy_dandruff
Book: Child of the lost moon

Cover: 5/5

-       The cover is neat, it has a simple black and white filter which doesn’t make it bold. In a way, it matches the title regarding the moon with its dark aesthetic. The picture chosen of Hoseok is clear and of good quality, as well as the text chosen for the title and etc. which does match the theme.

Title: 4/5

-       The theme of the moon and children can be seen in many other fandoms; thus, it is a bit overused. However, each author delivers it differently and nonetheless the desire to read this work is present.

Blurb: 4/5

-       The blurb is well written; however, I did not see a minor link to the title within it or anything that can predict and foreshadow the contents. In several places the grammar was off.

Pace: 5/5

-       I think that the pace is well, it’s smooth and not rushed all while giving a good amount of pauses to understand the plot and everything within the story. There is also suspense during certain pauses which naturally draws the reader in.

Plot: 18/20

-       I believe that it was well planned and then executed. Any story would include interactions between the group and the lead character; thus, it is a widely accepted element and yet it was beautifully written here by the author; we can see the present, certain elements from the past and a foreshadowing for the future of the characters which all links into the story and makes the plot very intriguing. However, the book is incomplete, and I cannot judge the plot further than what I have read so far. 

Character development: 14/15

-       The character development was strong from the start, beginning with their emotions/feelings, perspectives, interactions among each other and how the relationship began to bloom. It was all well delivered and conveyed, clear and insightful. Yet we are to discover more when the work will be completed as I am sure there are more mysteries to uncover.

Grammar: 18/20

-       Strong and clear. Of course, there are several mistakes here and there, but they are the most common ones and majority do create flaws with them, however, it is easy to read with good descriptive words which are put together well using a good structure of grammar. 

Writing style: 15/15

-       The writing style as a whole is very informative and smooth. The author was capable to put together information of the depth with smoothness and crate a flow that drags you in. The style also shows the author’s knowledge of the descriptive language, as well as the talent which is all seen in their own specific style.

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