Tech and Politics

Start from the beginning

Enty: Thank you very much.

Wales: But before you go, can you meet me at my office later.

Enty: Okay, now, if you will excuse me, I will find some volunteers.

Enty's mind: And prepare the target practice.

Enty left the room while the rest looked at each other.

Hood: Something feels off.

Enterprise: You must be imagining things.

Hood: Yeah... Maybe.

3 hours later.

Enty managed to find some volunteers for her experiments to present to the newly formed bureau. The volunteers she managed to find were Hammann, Javelin, Laffey, Hornet, Long Island, Arizona, Atlanta, and Juneau.

Hornet: So why are we here again?

Enty: Thanks to comrade Wales, I managed to set up grounds to test the capability of our weapons and the damage we can sustain.

Javelin: Isn't that dangerous?

Javelin said worriedly.

Enty: What? Did you expect life to; be given to you on a silver platter? If it was, then we killed off any hope of it by breaking every bone of their bodies; do we have an understanding? Or would you like... "Reeducation"...?

Javelin hastily nodded Enty smiled at this and instructed the girls to head to the specific coordinates she sent.

Hornet: Damn, she looks just like my sister but far scarier.

Javelin, still shaking, refused to even give her mistress a reason to reprimand her.

Arizona: She just scared Javelin into complete obedience.

Hornet: I heard she can be unpredictable like Roon and Akagi.

Long Island: How so?

Hornet: At one point, she can be a loving mother and sister, then the next a sadistic commander willing to do anything for victory.

Laffey: Why did we even volunteer?

Arizona: Because she promised to give us retrofits.

Hornet: Hope it's worth it.

They all arrived at the predesignated coordinates, where they find Enty waiting for them.

Enty: Ok first order of business is testing your armament strength.

Enty stood in front of them.

Enty: Each of you will be unleashing all of your available armaments at me, including torpedoes and AA guns.

They were all shocked at Enty's order because the damage she might receive could potentially kill her, especially from a battleship.

Hornet: But won't Vestal get mad if you volunteer to be target practice?

Enty: Oh, trust me, I'm not the only one who will be volunteering.

They all looked puzzled but shrugged it off as they got into positions.

Enty: Ok, first off, Javelin, Laffey, Hammann, step forward.

Javelin: Javelin, reporting for duty!

Laffey: Laffey, reporting for duty!

Hammann: Hammann, reporting for duty!

Enty: Hmm... Comrade Earl will be proud of your professionalism.

She backed up a few meters and then stopped.

Enty: On my mark, you will launch everything you have at me.

The Red Star and The Gray Ghost: Azur Lane x hearts of iron 4 crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now