A night to remember

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Thunder woke them both up , sitting up they saw it was late afternoon the sky was grey and rain had started.
"Shit!" Jungkook clambered into the front closing the windows.
"What's the time we should go back?"
"It's fourish!I can't believe we slept so long!"
The rain got heavier and thunder boomed, Jimin hated storms . His body shook as he climbed into the front .
"It's getting heavier...."
Jungkooks phone rang.
"Hey,no we are stuck in it can't you hear, no I don't think so, yes we passed a small one, should we? Ok see you in the morning."
"That was Rm, he said that storms are happening all over, it's caused flooding in some roads he said if we can find a hotel we should stay there it's too dangerous to drive back."
"Where is there a hotel?"
"Just before the lake, I think it's for bird watchers it looked small shall we try it?"
Jimin jumped  as lightening shit through the sky,
"Is it safe to drive ?"
"I'll go really slowly ," he grabbed Jimin's shaking hand," it's ok Jiminee don't worry."
They made their way slowly back to the hotel which was quaintly called ' the retreat' .
Stopping Jungkook grabbed his rucksack,"ready?"
They jumped from the car and ran to the entrance  getting soaked.
Inside they found a reception area with an old women watching tv.  She looked up in shock as the two boys came in.
"My goodness you are soaking wet."
"Sorry ma'am if we are dripping in things, have you got a room for the night?"
"Yes, yes, here, "she pulled towels from under the counter," dry yourselves before you catch cold., I'm afraid I only have a double room left, our birdwatchers have the others?"
"That's fine, Erm is there anywhere we can get some food? We haven't eaten all day?"
"Oh you poor things, here room 123,up to the second floor and along the corridor to the end. I'll have my son bring you up some food."
"Your too kind, can I pay you now?"
"In the morning dear, now go up I've put the heating on so you will be warm, leave the tray outside when your finished ."
The two males bowed and went in the lift , once they got to their room Jumin huddled against the radiator .
"Go have a hot shower there's robes here, I'll put your clothes to dry on the radiators."
Jinin didn't need telling twice he undressed rinsed his boxers and put them on the radiator there before opening the door slightly to hand his clothes to Jungkook. He then stood under the hot water in bliss as its heat seeped through him. Getting out he dried off and put the robe on him it was long and very warm. He fingercombed his hair into some sort of style then went out into the main room 
"The shower is lovely and hot quickly go warm up."
Jungkooks nodded and took fresh boxers and a t shirt from his rucksack much to Jimin's amazement and disappeared into the bathroom . Thunder crashed again just as a light tap came on their door.
Jimin opened it after making sure the belt was tied on his robe .
A smiling male stood there bowing and pushed a trolley with food on it inside . A coffee pot stood underneath with cups sugar and milk.
"please just leave trolley in corridor when  you finished,yes?"
"Your very kind thank  you so much "
The man left and jimin  pushed the trolley to the end of the bed  just as Jungkook came out in a matching robe still holding his t shirt and boxers  ," robes enough ,"he muttered  as he caught sight of the food.
The pair demolished the food and hot drinks. Jungkook pushed the trolley outside then closed the door.
Jimin stood up going to the window watching the rain as Jungkook lay back on the bed watching the other.
"If it wasn't for the thunder it would be pretty" Jimin muttered jumping at another loud boom.
Jungkook came to stand behind him.
"My mum always used to say it was the fairies falling out of bed," he laughed.
Jimin giggled," pretty heavy fairies!"
Jungkook liked the sound of Jimins giggle and he laughed to.
"How's your head?"
"You know I think I've slept all the pain away, apart from the bump I feel ok."
Jungkook turned the other to face him to check if he was telling the truth.
Jimins eyes went to Jungkooks chest which was in view from the robe, he quickly looked up only to find Jungkook staring at him with a knowing look.
"Like what you see?"
"I wasn't.., I didn't ...., oh er let's watch some tv," Jimin gabbled out embarrassed at being caught staring. He stepped towards the bed only to be pulled back straight into Jungkooks arms," enough playing I want to remember "the taller growled out, licking his lips onto Jimins in a possessive kiss.
Jimin gave in quickly , he wanted this he wanted ti feel complete once again.
Jungkook undid Jimins robe sliding it off him, his hands roamed down his back, gripping his ass and tugging him against him. Jimin moaned in delight every part of him wanting more.
Jungkook quickly shrugged out of his robe before pressing Jimin against him letting him feel the effect he had on him.
Jimins small hands settled on Jungkooks hard abs brushing against Jungkooks hardened nipples making him gasp.
Suddenly Jimin found himself laying on the bed with Jungkook hovering above him letting his eyes run over the boys nakedness," god your beautiful."
He kissed Jimins neck then the spot on his shoulder that was really sensitive sucking and leaving a mark. He carried on down his body, leaving Jimin gasping.
"This time I have lube,"
Jungkook reached into his rucksack pulling out a tube.
"Do you carry everything in there?"
"Be prepared."
"Your no boy scout!"
"Ah just for that I'm gonna make you beg me to fuck you!"
"Yer right...."
Jungkook began an assault of the senses. He kissed and sucked his way around Jimins body. Licking his puckered hole which had Jimin harden more.
He took Jimins length in his mouth causing the smaller to moan in pleasure and grip the bedding digging his heels in. As he got close Jungkook pulled off, frustrating Jimin who had been so close. He lapped at Jimins milky white skin teasing his nipples making Jimin thrash around.
"Hmmmm eager I see,"
"Prick teaser!"
"Ah ah Ah, now I'll tease some more,"
Jimin groaned. Jungkook lay above him rubbing his dick against Jimins, but soon it wasn't enough.
"Please what?"
"Ah you!........please fuck me!"
"That's better,"
Jungkook lubed his fingers up then enticing Jimin with a kiss he pushed a finger into Jimin taking Jimins gasp into his mouth.
"Easy , I need to prep you ."
Pain soon turned to pleasure even when Jungkook added a second finger, Jimin groaned at the intrusion., then pressed down against it.
"Mmm, more...."
A third finger joined the others, then Jungkook hooked his fingers slightly searching for the bundle of nerves and finding them making Jimin shiver from pleasure.
Jungkook couldn't stand it anymore he was so hard it was painful.
He pulled his fingers out much to Jimins disappointment and then lubed his dick up settling between Jimins legs he pushed fully in kissing Jimins immediate pain away.
"Sorry Jiminee I should have gone easy but you made me so fucking Hard! Are you ok?"
"Y-your so big ,mmmm"
"And your so tight , I won't last long !"
"Move  Kookie just fuck me!"
Jungkook pulled back then slammed right in again hitting Jimins pleasure spot in one"
"Oh fuck, more just there," Jimin moaned out.
Skin against skin, mewls of pleasure were all that could be heard.
Jungkook didn't know how he could have forgotten this..., Jimin clamped on his length making pleasure course through him, he felt Jimins member rub between them pre cum leaking onto their bodies,
"Ah Kookie harder "
Jungkook  pushed Jimins legs back further giving him deeper access.
"Ah yes, that's it oh god Kookie I'm gonna come!!"
He wailed as pleasure completely overtook him and he came hard spurting inbetween their bodies, feeling Jimin clench on him was all it took for Jungkook to ejaculate," fuuuuuuuck!!" It was a whole new feeling so intense he had to hold himself above Jimin as he continued to release, then carefully pulling out he slumped to the side..
The pair lay panting,
"Well that was.....amazing," Jungkook murmured.
"Better than last time......"
"Hey I can't remember that!"
Jimin giggled, reaching for a tissue he cleaned himself up on his body.
Jungkook groaned at the sight.
"Ah, your pretty body....." his hands touched jimins chest he couldn't help it." Beautiful....," he leaned in to kiss Jimin,the other raising up to receive his kiss which soon became more passionate leading to obvious effects!
"Jimin I want you again,"
"But I want you to ride me,"
Jimin climbed astride the others body looking a bit hesitant, jungkook guided him over his protruding member and Jimin slipped down on it.
"Ah shit, you feel so good ," Jungkooks gasped
Jimin loved seeing his lovers face below him, as he rocked gently at first then with more feeling he could watch as pleasure built on Jungkooks face.
He felt himself get hungry for more and he moaned as Jungkook started pushing up as he came down, his member bouncing as he did.
Jungkooks hand started playing with Jimin rubbing his tender slit eliciting more groans from Jimins mouth.
"Ah come on baby, let it go I wanna see you cum"
Jungkooks words were all it took for Jimin to release over the others hand and chest.
Panting he watched as Jungkook licked his hand still thrusting up hard. He then gripped Jimins hips and fucked him harder until,"aaaaaaargh!!!"
He came so hard and Jimin clenched so tight on him he felt dizzy.
Jimin fell onto his chest exhausted, neither could move for a while but then Jungkoo whispered in the others ear," Jiminee I'll run a bath you soak while I have a shower then we can sleep ."
He ran the bath then carried a sleepy Jimin to it , Jimin washed himself down then lay back as Jungkook got in the shower cubicle and washed. When he stepped out and dried he looked over to the bath where Jimin lay nearly asleep, he quickly pulled the plug and lifted Jimin out drying him off, then both got into bed cuddled up and fell into a deep exhausted sleep.

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