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I stretch my hand out through the bed covers, my eyes are closed and I feel the sun shining over me. My body turns over to my right, I open my eyes to look at the clock and realize it's 7:38 in the morning. My bottom lips falls as I gasp. I get up and realize I'm not in my bed. There's a totally different environment around me. What the hell? The bed sheets are gray and the bedroom door is to the right of me. My bed sheets are supposed to be white while my bedroom door is facing towards my bed not the side of it.

My eyes scan the room. It's smaller than my bedroom, a little messier too. There's a guitar on a stand near the window with clothes laying over a chair sitting at a corner of the bedroom. I hear a thud outside, my head snaps at the open door. The smell of eggs float inside the bedroom. Faint humming from outside occurs. I widen my eyes when I see what I'm wearing.

I touch my body with my hands and start to freak out. I get out the bed, peeking my head out the door before walking out. There seems to be a hallway, there's framed pictures scattered around on the walls of this hallway. A few certificates and medals, then my eyes find a specific photograph. I remember this photograph, I remember the day we took it. It's of me, Bradley, my Father, and Carole.

Foots steps appear louder from the side of me and that's where I find Bradley holding a plate of eggs and a glass of orange juice. He stops himself and looks back at me. "Why didn't you wake me up?" I pinch him an expression.

"Good morning to you too." He spins around, walking back to the kitchen. I follow him with my jaws dropped. "Bradley." I say. He puts the plate down and rests his hands on the counter. "You looked like you needed extra sleep, so I let you sleep in. I was just about to wake you up."

"Why am I here? I — I don't remember walking in here at all. What happened last night?" My words stutter as my hands dig into my hair.

"You fell asleep when I started driving and when we got to your house your door was locked. I looked to see if you had your keys in my car, but you didn't, so I brought us back here." He explains, sighing.

"The back up key is, um, under the green vase that's sitting on the window sill near the front door." I click my tongue with my eyebrows glued together. "That doesn't matter right now, I'm running late and I need to do my hair."

I walk around, looking for the bathroom. "The door to your left." Bradley says from the kitchen, I look to my right and open the door to find the bathroom. It surprises me to see that Bradley maintains to keep his clean. I've been to Mickey and Reuben's apartment and lets say that their's isn't quite the same.

I open drawers and cabinets to find some pins and gel. An exaggerated sigh escapes my mouth when I can't find anything to do my air with. So I move on and start washing my face. I don't have a towel since this is Bradley's house, so I use my shirt — I mean Bradley's shirt — to wipe my face off.

Bradley knocks on the slightly open bathroom door, leaning his side against the door frame. "Do you have gel? Pins? Anything for me to put my hair back."

"Gel is on the top shelf behind the mirror." He informs me, casually hanging standing outside. "But I don't have any pins."

"That'll do." I open the mirror to find a whole storage space behind it. My eyes move up to find the gel, I go ahead and start fixing up my hair in a low bun. "Ro, you have to eat." Bradley exhales from outside. "I can't, if we don't leave now, we'll be late." I open the door to find him waiting for me. My body freezes when I meet his eyes with mines. "I have a backup uniform in the locker room. I'll change into that quickly and move on with our day."

We make it just in time to base. Enough time for me to change into my uniform and meet up with Natasha before our daily meeting before training starts. I walk through the hallways next to Bradley with my hands into fists. I didn't realize how cold it is when you're not wearing a uniform. I'm here wearing my pajama shorts with a random shirt that's too big for me lended by Bradley.

Hardest to Love | Bradley "Rooster" BradshawWhere stories live. Discover now