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I stand up from my seat, watching Thomas aggressively walk over to my table. My mouth drops a little, showing my teeth as his figure gets closer and closer. His hands are in fists, my nose twitches as his steps get louder in my ears. Bradley stands up, blocking me from Thomas. He takes out his hand, protecting me for whatever is about to happen.

Everyone else in the room glue their eyes on us. I start to breath heavily, panicking. What is he doing here? What does he want? Why is he so mad? I should be the mad one, not him.

"I need to speak with you." Thomas clenches his jaw as I look at him with terrified eyes. "Privately."

I shake my head. "No... no I will not speak with you. Just leave." I look down to the side. I told myself I would never speak to him ever again. I can't stand to look into those eyes.

"I'm not asking, Ro." He takes a step forward, but Bradley steps in front of him before Thomas can get to me. "Will you move?" His nose flares as he moves his eyes up to Bradley's.

"She told you to leave." Bradley orders the man two inches shorter than him.

I can't stand being in this position, I need to leave. My week is already worse enough as it is and now Thomas is here. I start walking away from the group to go outside for some fresh air. Thomas manages to pass through Bradley. He doesn't dare to fight, knowing I'm still here and the rest of the guys might join in.

I can hear his footsteps behind me. My feet picks up my pace a little more, trying to get away from him. "Thomas, you can't be here right now." I tell him. I can feel my voice to break down, but I force myself to stay strong.

"Rowan!" He reaches for my hand. A gasp comes out my mouth as I turn around. "Don't touch me!" He pants, letting go of me. A lump in my throat grows and I can feel my tears building up. Forcing myself to control my weakness, I face myself away from him.

"What did you do to my house?" He purses his lips.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I sigh, my hand massages my temple. "You're not allowed on base, so just leave."

"You're lying." He takes a step towards me.

I take one step back. "Don't. Stay where you are." I breathe through my mouth, watching him carefully. "I am not the liar here, why the hell are you the one to tell me that I'm lying?"

Bradley's hands turn into fists as he watches Thomas and I from a distance. Natasha furrows her eyebrows, her eyes move down to his hands. They shift back up at Bradley then back at me and Tom.

"You had something to do with it, just look." He takes out his phone and shows me a picture of his car and house trashed with broken eggs, toilet paper on the trees, and messy red spray paint smothered all over his car. My mouth slightly opens.

"Whatever happened there did not involve me." I claim. And I am right. I know I got drunk last night, but I'm not stupid enough to drive in a drunk state all over his house to throw stupid eggs at his windows.

"Well then who did? You tell me." Thomas shrugs his arms up in the air. I can tell he's pissed.

"I don't know, Thomas." I firmly say, sighing.

"Who were you with last night?" He asks, resting his hands on both sides of his waist. I look at him and say, "Natasha."

"That explains it, the two of you did this. You won't admit it because of the other night." He goes on assuming, gesturing his hand in the air as he speaks.

"Don't make up fake shit about me, Thomas!" I snap back. My eyes dilate in anger. "Yes, I'm angry! For a good fucking reason, Thomas. But, I'm not that stupid enough to pull of a prank like that for what you did. You know me pretty well from the last few years of being in somewhat of what you called a romantic relationship with me, and I don't pull off shit like this. So don't go barging into my workplace to accuse me of something I would never do!"

Hardest to Love | Bradley "Rooster" BradshawOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant