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My head feels like it's being punched by an elephant's foot nonstop right now. It won't stop. What makes it worse is that it's very sunny today in California which is just great for me and my hangover. I groan for the hundredth time today, rubbing my forehead. Natasha walks up behind me, making me jump as she places her hand on my shoulder.

"Woah, sorry." She chuckles. "Didn't mean to scare you."

I sigh, covering my face with my hands as I use my elbows to put all my weight down on my thighs. I've taken two pills of Tylenol today and my headache just won't leave me alone. "It's fine. Tsk... I just want this to be gone."

Natasha pouts her mouth, staring at me in pain. Her hand massages my bare shoulder, comforting me. "You went a little out of control last night, that's all. It just happens."

"Is that supposed to make me feel better about myself?" I remove my hands from my face and look up at her. Red flush creeps up on my face, I cover my face again. I want to cry from the pain. "This is never going away. I want it to be gone now."

Her eyebrows snap in concern. "Do you need to take another pill? I have some in my locker if you need." She takes her hand off my shoulder and walks over to her locker to find the bottle of pills for me.

"No, it's fine." I grunt, standing up from the bench. My legs start to makes it way towards my open locker. From behind, Natasha and I hear a group of men walk in. I immediately know it's Jake and the guys which makes me dig my head into my locker.

"Whatcha hidin' for, Ro?" Jake asks, looking over at my direction as he opens his locker.

I groan and roll my eyes. My hands are gripping the border of my locker as my head stays inside, trying to block myself from even more dumb reasons to make my bad headache even worse.

"I asked a question — " Jake tries to say, but Natasha cuts him off. "She's not in the mood to talk right now." He moves his eyes on Natasha's and gives her a look. She gives him the same look back, narrowing her eyes a little more.

My hands push against the frame of the locker, exposing my head once again in the real world. I fix my hair before asking Natasha for that one Tylenol she offered me earlier. She watches me as I gulp the pill down with some water. I let out a refreshing breathe before suiting myself up with my gear. My hand zips up my green jumpsuit. Then I pull over my survival vest with my harness over it. I grab out my gloves from my locker and wear it.

Natasha does the same next to me. She finished first while I put my gear on slowly, trying to keep my headache in a stable state. It's been throbbing with a lot of pain to a little to back to a lot of pain then back to little of pain. It just goes on. She waits for me, I reach and grab my helmet from the shelf inside my locker.

I'm about to close my locker when Natasha takes her arm out to prevent me from closing my locker. Her other hand reaches for my back inside and takes out my sunglasses. "Don't want to forget this."

"Right." My voice mumbles. I go on and take my sunglasses from her hand and put it on.

I make my way towards the door when Jake turns around to say something to me, but I interrupt him with my middle finger, not saying a single word to him as I past by him and the guys. Natasha, behind me, looks at Jake and plasters a smirk at him as we walk out.

"I don't understand women." He makes a rueful sigh. "They are the most complicated living thing in this damn world." Bradley looks at Jake talking to Javy through the mirror of his locker door. He goes off while Bradley listens to him. "Ro's been such kick in the ass this morning. Man, we gave her cheater of a boyfriend some karma last night and this is what we get for being good friends."

Hardest to Love | Bradley "Rooster" BradshawWhere stories live. Discover now