4. Hello again, Atlas

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This chapter will involve some angst/Traumatic events!
so sorry for late chapter also!
(I've had exams this week and the fanfic slipped my mind!!) (Enjoy!)
(Also yes scary chapter name..)

(nobody's pov)

It's been a month since scott and Jimmy's interaction at the cod empire, Scott continued to visit jimmy as many times as possible and they both brushed it off as "trading" whenever other empires would question them, until, the un-expected happened.

"ALRIGHTT! EMPEROR FESTIVAL! so glad to see you this year scott!" Fwip beamed at all the rulers infront of him, Including scott who hadn't attended for 3 years.

"This year we are being joined by Lady Lauren, she suffered a defeat to her kingdom a few years ago defending her friend, which friend? we don't know yet, Lauren would like to keep that confidential." Fwip paused.

"Please welcome her Galaxian Royalty Lady Lauren as you would any other ruler." He smiled politely and all the rulers gathered around one another

Then the ding of a fork on a glass could be heard

"I know it's early for toasts, especially since it's my first Festival.." she chuckled nervously as every emperor fell quiet and perked their heads to face Lauren.

"I would like to discuss a rather big event that had been confirmed last night in Rivendell."

Whispers could be heard, why rivendell?

"I, and the rivendell kingdom will be going to war next year, i do hope this year i can make myself comfortable. If anyone would like to help us fight against the Nether Fortress ruler Atlas and the Nether shrooms biome king, kayden we would appreciate you and your army with open arms."

Silence fell upon everyone.

"A-and have a great afternoon." Lauren quickly hopped off her chair and ran to scott, both looked worried.

"Scott i think i said it too early, oh god i ruined everything scott!" Lauren quickly spluttered out on the verge of tears.

"You didn't ruin anything lauren, my kingdom is still going to fight wether that means i get knocked down dead and my empire falls we will fight for the Galaxian Empire to rise again with its rightful queen, it was my fault this happened and we will get you-"

Scott got cut off by his name being called.
Whoever called him had a voice crack half way through.

It was sitai who was here on watch.

"U-uhm, Your majesty.." He trailed off, he looked TERRIFIED.

All the emperors fell silent once again turning to sitai and scott.

"S-someone.. came through the portal to see you uhm... i don't t-think your going to like who it is."

Scott's heart dropped

"Oh scott~" A voice hissed from the direction of the nether portal behind him.

"Hello again, Atlas."


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