1. Jimmys Promise

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(Hiii the author here! before you continue with this story there is a few TW/CW i would like to add.

At the start of every chapter i will put a TW/CW with what it contains just so the reader may know to skip a bit but if you cant handle ANY of these subjects I don't think this story is for you i'm sorry!)


-Abuse physical and mental


-Deep descriptions of gore


-Childhood trauma

-Depression, Anxiety.

-(If needed more will be added.)

and with that enjoy the story!


A small knock is heard on Scott's door, the blue haired elf too tired to get up sheepishly calls for his right hand worker, Lauren. This magnificent lady's empire (The end empire) had been destroyed and raided during a battle between many different kingdoms and is currently overtaken by one of nether regions. Scott despises the nether regions, his ex and ex best friend both rule over one region. His ex being an abusive manipulative bastard.

"Lauren, please will you see who's at the door?"

"Of course your highness!" Her always enthusiastic voice calls out from down the stairs. Scott always reminded Lauren that she did not have to stick to royal titles when talking to him, because although Scott heavily hated the idea of friends, Lauren was as close as she could get to earn the title of becoming one.

(Jimmy's POV)

I heard footsteps rush to the door and the sound off keys rattling and being pushed into the key hole, this makes me stop bouncing on my feet and quickly adjust the cod head that covers my face, eyes, nose, ears, hair etc. Then, the door swings open.

In the door frame stood an out-of-this-world (cheeky pun for u) looking woman, representing Rivendale in it's usual uniform yet this time in purple. A golden shiny badge on her blouse read (Royal Right-Hand Woman) so was this Scott's representative? if so, why was her hair long and purple that shined as if there were many stars twinkling about.

"Hello! My name is Ex-Queen Lauren of the End, Scott's right hand woman and reprisentitive!" She boomed with a flashing welcoming large smile.

"Oh right! I'm the Cod father! King Jimmy of the Swamp Empire.. so sorry for what happened to your empire, is it too intrusive for me to ask what happened?"

She pauses for a second and glances back into scotts tall tower, light precious snoring is heard from inside which I'm assuming is Scott himself. Lauren looks back with a look on her face as if shes deciding something, glancing back into the tower and back at me until she finally speaks.

"How about we go on a stroll through the royal gardens, cod father?" giving me a small smile.

I nod and we both slowly walk into Rivendales beautiful beautiful gardens, I was busy admiring how such a cold biome could keep these beauties of flowers alive when Lauren speaks up.

"You have to swear you wouldn't tell anybody Cod father, me telling you this could even result in a war knowing Scott."

I nod again, not wanting to question further on my ability to speak about this story I'm so eagerly waiting to hear.


"Well, Scott had a traumatic background. He grew up in a heavily abusive home. He was close to his mother more than his father, our mothers were friends, that's how we know each other"

She pauses and looks at me to make sure I'm on board, before continuing with a small sigh.

"His mother passed when he was about 12, his father becoming an alchaholic and heavily abusive towards his elder son Xornoth and Scott. My mother tried to take both Xornoth and Scott with us away from this terrible land but he cast some sort of spell for as long as he was alive we weren't allowed in Rivendale"

I humn in response to let her know I'm listening.

"Scott got abused, Xornoth did too. His father ended up getting married to a fragile woman, and easy target for a manipulative man. Although they all feared her husband, their father, the two boys grew fond of their step-mother. His father didn't like this at all. As they grew older Xornoth was to be crowned to the throne, a week before his coronation their father did something unspeakable to the boys."

she breathed and continued

"He murdered their step-mother."

My eyes widen.

"Oh my god that must've been so horrible for him... did he witness it?"

Lauren nods,

"Yes, right infront of his eyes. In fear his 16 year old self fled to the nether, he met his best friend, kayden, the current ruler of the nether shrooms biome, who is also part piglin, and met his then-partner Atlas, current ruler of the nether fortress, hes part wither skeleton."

I nod taking in the information.

"Their relationship was healthy until Atlas got abusive. This domestic violance went on for about 3-5 years, completely breaking scott. The breaking point was when Atlas "Murdered" Kayden infront of Scott."

"Why did you say murdered like that?" I ask, curiously.

"It was a staged death. Scott had to stay for a few more months until he heard rumours through piglins about his own empire, Rivendale, currently left unthroned and they were waiting for the second child to return as the eldest had become corrupts from guilt, shame, sadness and anger. This caused scott to flee from the nether becoming completely emotionless as he returned to the doors of rivendale. Atlas had no idea where scott was and assumed he was with me. My kingdome got destroyed by both Kayden and Atlas that day, Scott feeling guilty welcomed whatever was left of my galaxian population into rivendale. I've been serving for him since."

"Oh my god, I never knew. I-" but I was cut off by a cold press to the front of my neck.

"Make a promise with me, a Galaxian promise can never be broken once sealed. Repeat after me jimmy, I, Jimmy, the ruler of the swamp empire shall not breathe a word of what I have been told to anybody unless I want to face the concequences."

" I, Jimmy, the ruler of the swamp empire shall not breathe a word of what I have been told to anybody unless I want to face the concequences." I repeat after her, my voice shaking a bit, fearing for my life.

A purple/Blue/pink swirl surrounds us and falls onto my ankle faintly, then also falling onto Laurens ankle, which is when i notice one other galaxy-looking ribbon placed on her ankle which read "Scotts Promise" and mine above it read "Jimmys Promise" What had Scott promised her?

"Once this breaks it will literally start shining from my ankle, and that's when I know its concequence time." She smiles phycotically at me.

"So, what were you here for anyway cod father?"

"Ah, will you please give Scott this note? It has my request placed on it."

she nods and takes the note gently.

"Safe travels, your highness." and she flys off.

I need to show Scott what feelings are again, why? because I said so.

I smile determindally and fly off back to my swampy empire.

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