Ember Island Romance

Start from the beginning

"Oh Zuko, that's actually a really good idea! It was nice staying there for the short amount of time we did when you brought us there," Katara says, smiling.

"That's perfect! Oh Jin, you're going to love it there! Even grumpy Mai likes Ember Island!" Ty-Lee says.

"Don't ruin it Ty-Lee," Mai sighs, shaking her head to hide a smile at her best friend.

"Well, I'm all for it then if everyone else is as well!" Jin grins.

"Wonderful. Is three days good enough preparation time for everyone to get the last few important tasks done?" Zuko asks. With a nod from the four girls, he stands and heads to go eat dinner, all of them chatting as they walk.

When the day for them all to go to Ember Island finally came round, all five were looking forward to their near impromptu vacation. Ty-Lee was chattering away to Jin, telling her all of the fun things to be done on the island and Katara throwing in a few other things here and there as well. Jin listened with rapt attention as she was very excited to go to Ember Island since it would be yet another new experience for her. Zuko and Mai were snuggled up, listening to the other three girls chat, Mai actually smiling.

"As amazing as you look when you hate the world, you should smile more. A smile fits your face, Mai," Zuko says softly with his own smile.

"The same could be said about you, Zuko. But it's nice to actually have a reason to smile," Mai responds.

"Agreed," Zuko says. "Though I'm glad this whole thing worked out, and not just because I have four beautiful girlfriends."

"I was surprised when you mentioned that you also liked Ty-Lee but it made me feel better since I felt partially bad for having feelings for Ty-Lee while also having feelings for you," Mai says.

"I was nervous to bring it up but I'm glad you did as we all can be happy now," Zuko smiles before pressing a kiss to Mai's cheek. The two then grunt as a blur of pink slammed into them both.

"Awww you two being such softies~ Jin! Katara! We need to smother the grumps of the 'cule since they're being soft!" Ty-Lee says as she holds on tight.

"Yeah! Group hug!" Jin smiles as she moves over and joins in on the hug. Katara laughs a bit as she watches Zuko and Mai act like they weren't enjoying it, Zuko failing significantly to hide the smile.

"You never were good at hiding your feelings Zuko," Katara teases the Fire Lord before going over and joining the hug.

"You don't need to call me out like that Katara..." Zuko groans, his face heating up.

"Mmmm, yeah I do. It's one of the many duties as one of your girlfriends and ambassador to the Water Tribes~" Katara taunts.

"Hey! No talking about work! The whole point of this is to not think or talk about that," Ty-Lee huffs at the waterbender.

"You tell her, Ty-Lee," Mai says with a smirk.

"You're all a riot. I love you guys so much," Jin says, smiling widely as she tightens her arms a bit more.

"We love you too Jin!" Ty-Lee beams.

"Yeah, we love you too," Zuko says with a smile. He shifts a bit and presses a kiss to Jin's cheek. He gets one in return from the Earth Kingdom girl before Ty-Lee decided it was her turn to smother Zuko in affection.

"And Zuko has been lost to Ty-Lee," Katara snickers as she releases the group and shifts over to be between Jin and Mai, snuggling the two girls for the time being. When Zuko finally managed to tame Ty-Lee's assault of affection, the two got pulled back into the cuddle puddle for the remainder of the journey to Ember Island.

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