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So I've thought about it. And.....tying new things can't hurt, right?
I decided to text Leo saying I might be up for the part. And he was excited to tell me I got the part.
A few days later, they sent me the script, and told me that we'd be filming the nude scene first. Sighhhhhh.

Well, todays the first day for shooting. I dropped off Ria at Emily's. She loves children so I decided why not babysit?

As I arrived at the set, James saw me, and gestured for me to come by him.

(Quick note, idrk the sets personality does uhh sry for any mistakes.)

"Y/n! Glad you could make it. Leo's at the makeup room. You can go there and get Reddie." Said James
"Thanks, James." I said
"Oh, please. Call me Jim." He smiled, I nodded and went to the room that he described to me, following signs.
"Y/n! You made it!" Said Leo, coming up to me and giving me a hug.
"Haha, yeah." I said, as we both took a seat to get our makeup done.
"So, wait. Do we restart and film the whole movie, but with me as Rose?" I asked
"Yeah. Pretty much." sighed Leo.


Well, now we were getting Reddie for the scene. I'd gotten my hair dyed red a coupla days ago. I was a total redhead now.
I let my hair down, and put on a kimono as scripted. Then someone opened the door for me to walk through.
"The last thing I need is another picture of me looking like a china doll. As a paying customer," I threw a coin to Leo, and he caught it, "I expect to get what I want." I finished.
I then slowly removed the kimono from me. My heart was pounding. Yes, this is just acting, but I was naked in front of Leo, a world famous actor!
The necklace, that people called "Heart Of The Ocean" was hanging in the space between my breasts.
I felt the kimono drop on the floor. I was more nervous now. Thank God I had gotten a wax before I came here.
Leo looks over at me, then says, "Over on the bed— um.. the couch." I almost let out a laugh there, but I was quick to save it.
"Tell me when it looks right to you." I said, going on the couch.
The instructed me on what to do, and then started to fake draw. Who really drew me was Jim (James). It felt weird. Super weird. But welp life is life.
"I believe you are blushing Mr. Artiste. I can't imagine Monseur Monet blushing." I joked smiling.
"He does landscapes," Jack smiled, "Just relax your face."

"Sorry." I said

"No laughing." said Jack. 

"And cut!" said Jim, I immediately went to the dressing room after Jim thanked us for the scene, and told us how great we were. It was now time to shoot the beginning of the movie. 

(Quick a/n: I know that I might be mixing the scenes together, so I'm sorry about that. I'm trying my best to write but uhh, things can be confusing, but hey, let's not think of it too much, it's only a fanfic anyway.)

Later that night, I was at home, we were done shooting for the day. I checked my messages from Leo, there was one that said:

"Hey, nice job shooting today. You're better than I thought. 

Goodnight :)"

I smiled and replied back, "Thanks, you too. Sweet dreams!"

He put a heart on my reply, and then went offline. I guess this is it for today then?

Leo's POV

Oh my gosh. I'm freaking out! I just saw my fucking crush naked. Ok, Leo, relax, it was only for the movie, but no. It was so much more to me. It's not weird, is it? Cast members can date. It's happened before. But all the anxiety, all the sweat I felt....I wasn't acting. 

I then heard a knock on my door, "Come in!"

"Leo? Tessa stopped by earlier. Where were you?" Linda came in

"Oh, sorry, I was busy working today." I said

"I thought you had the day off today....wait, you weren't with her, were you?" asked Linda

"With who? Look, Linda, I know I wasn't supposed to work today, but things took a real turn to the South. Kate got fired, and Y/n got accepted into Titanic, so we have to shoot the whole movie again. And honestly, I don't mind doing it." I said

"Leoooo, I don't like her. I don't like Y/n. She's trying to steal you away from Tessa." said Linda

"Linda, Tessa and I are just friends. Heck, she's like my sister." I said

"What? But she always says that you guys are about to date, and that you're CLEARLY flirting with her." said Linda....what?

"You probably misunderstood. Tessa and I are just friends. Besides, I kinda like Y/n. She's awesome." I said

"WHAT?! Tessa is sweet as candy, and you're already going for Y/n?! She's not even that great! Tessa always describes her as a brat who only likes you for your money! I can't believe I have a brother this stupid, and I'm younger!" said Linda

"Y/n isn't a brat! Honestly, she doesn't even like big roles, she's not into money. I had to practically beg her for Titanic. I'm gonna have a little talk with Tessa, because I'm starting to doubt her such perfect influence on you and Lana. Goodnight lil sis." I said, kissing her forehead, as she lightly smiled a sad smile and went away. 

"Goodnight Leo. Please don't be stupid." she said, closing the door halfway on the way back to her room. 

Oh, Tessa. What are you thinking?


Sorry it's short, I'll try and make other chapters longer. But if u have any ideas lmk!

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