Chat - Y/n POV

463 11 3

What did you want to talk abt?

Well, I wanted to say, working for Jim...

It can be tough at times. Kate has her doubts, and

she says it can be scary at times. I mean, we do all kinds of stuff,

some good, some bad. Some scary as hell. So if you put this under

consideration, just know, join at your own risk. 

Leo, chill. I've been through a lot already. 

I've fell off a high surface on accident, didn't break 

a single bone. What do they make u do in titanic anyway?

Well, uhh, there's some nudity. And other shit idk.

Ok, that isn't that bad. Is there sex or something?


Oh... Well, can't say I'm not a virgin. It isn't new to me. 

Oh. Well, Kate told me that she might quit because 

the movie filming is getting scary every second. One minute,

you say, "oh yeah, that isn't that bad", then the other, you're like,

"Whoooaaaaa, ain't that too far?"

Ah, well, if Kate does drop out, I might join in, but Idk. Titanic seems serious. 

Hey, since Jim's relatives wedding day is coming up soon,

and we're gonna take a few days off because of that, do you wanna 

meet up?

Sure! When, where? Ooo, can I bring Ria?


Right, my sister. 

Ohhh, yeah, sure. I'd love to meet a fan :)

Great! Can't waittt!

Ok, but where do you wanna meet?

How about Kimenti Park at 3:00 PM?

Alright, that sounds good. What day?

Wednesday? I have the whole week off

 because of my acting things.

Sounds good! See you then.


Wrong Number ~ Young Leo DiCaprio X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now