Chat ~ Hey, Josh.

664 14 11

+1 847 398 3028

Hey, Josh. I just wanted to say,

 I'm so sorry about your mother. I hope she gets better soon.

This isn't Josh. 

Oh, I'm so sorry, I must've texted 

the wrong number, silly me. I type

 fast, that's probably why. 

It's cool, what's your name?

Y/n, Y/n L/n, you?

Leonardo DiCaprio, but pls call me Leo. 

Holy shit! Wait, is it actually you?

Ur a fan?

No, not exactly, but uhh my sister is. 

Hey, is it true that ur starring in the new Titanic

 film that's gonna come out? Like, is there

 even a titanic film that's rlly gonna come out?

Yeah, I am. And yes, there is. I'd love to meet 

your sister someday. Btw, do you mind sending a 

picture of you? I kinda decided to add you to my

 contacts now I need a pfp :/

Uhh, yeah, sure! Lemme take one rq.

Gr8, thx. 

~You send a picture of yourself ~

Here ya go :)

Thanks! You want one of me?

I can just search you up and get tons of pics, 😂 

True, lol. Anyway, where are you from?

I'm from (Where you're from).

Nice! We don't live that far away 

from each other. Maybe we'll meet someday ;)

Maybe, lol. 

Anyway, I gtg film in a lil, see ya.


Wrong Number ~ Young Leo DiCaprio X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now