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"Thank you all for coming! I missed seeing your faces."

Mom exclaimed happily as I stacked up the liquor bottles and Jimin add a few ice cubes in each glass. She suggested a barbeque night would be great idea to welcome them all at our new home and so did I untiI figured out I'd be doing most of the jobs. Having friends like Jungkook and Jimin, trust me, is not a help at all. 

We moved out of the city 5 years back when mom got a transfer and having spent all my childhood here, with both  of them, as much as I hate to say it, I did kind of cry.

"Remember how scared you were when we sneaked you out to have you taste alcohol? You almost pissed your pants, we were 14 right?"

"Stop exaggerating Jimin.  I was pretty cool with the idea."

"White lies. You were so scared but still tried showing off didn't you? You were such a wimp for a teenager."

"Look who's talking."

I said as he raised his eyebrows and I nodded.

"How long are you going to take? an eternity?"

Jungkook yelled from the table.

"A few minutes more."

I could hear his irritated sigh as I rolled my eyes.

"Why is he like this Jimin?"

" He's manufactured that way I guess."

We both nodded  as we placed the glasses and liquor bottles on the table. I seated between both of them as Jungkook gave me this funny sly expression. A very Jungkook thing to do.

"Kim Taehyung you should work your hands better. With that speed it would've taken hours if Jimin and others didn't help out."

"I- you made me do everything on my own. Jungkook just seated his lazy ass here gossipping with you."

"Is that how you talk to your friends?"

My eyes widened as I turned towards Jungkook only too see this sly bitch smirking. 

"Whatever, lets start eating."

Hoseok hyung said clapping his hands. He is in his third year and Jimin's older brother. He was the one who helped us out in our 'Shots and Taehyung' mission which was basically sneaking me out since my mom would never let me drink before I was eighteen.

If you think that's weird, she's a single mother and has alone been taking care of me. She's like a superlady, managing everything efficiently yet being the coolest mom. She blends so easily among my friends, she and Jungkook are pretty close like friends who bitch me out the chance  they get. The last thing I'd do is burden or hurt her. 

Oh wait! I haven't introduced my friends have I?

The red haired muscle bunny you see, that's Jeon Jungkook. I'm not sure how much of  a gym freak he is now, but he  is a lot bulked up unlike me. Trust me when I say this, you don't wanna get  beaten by this guy or challenge him in sports since his athletic abilities are excellent. Contrary to his physical abilities are his academic achievements, actually, their are none. One worth trait, never ask him for an advice. 

And the polar opposite to him is Jimin. He's the first guy you'd approach and never regret being friends with. That one friend who'll always give you good advice. That one smart guy who craves for academic validation in spite of being the top of his class. He's a perfectionist.

And me?

I'm just trying to survive through this college semester.

"Oh boys, does anyone of you have a girlfriend?"

Mom asked out of the blue as I could see Jungkook blushing and Jimin concentrating on his food.

"No way your dumb ass got a girlfriend."

"Hey, I'm literally die for for the girls. They like me a lot. You'll see it tomorrow."

"I agree. Jungkook is a charmer, who wouldn't like him?"

Mom commented.

"Not yet but very soon actually. I could help you find the perfect daughter in law  Mrs.Kim."

And I choked on my vegetables.

"She's like the prettiest and the kindest girl. She's rich, polite and friendly.  Totally his type."

"Woah. Do you really think they have a chance together?"

"Mrs.Kim she's really tough to impress. Like really, But even though Taehyung is a bit dumb, I can try. He's got your genes after all."

"Can you both stop it? Trying to set me up with some random girl."

"You'll change your mind when you see her."

"How about we change the topic?"

Jimin asked in an annoyed tone. I'm not sure what's wrong, but he seems off and so lost.


"That's all I could sneak out. I'm sorry."

The young boy said in a low tone placing handful of the cat food he brought in her tray. He started caressing the kitten's head as she gulped all food down in no time.

"They're all going out this saturday, I'll bring you lots of food and even play."

He said as his lips formed a pout. He rested his head against the brick wall. It was uncomfortable but not more than it was in his house. His white pants were covered in dirt, the green shirt was dirty too. Those clothes were a lot more expensive than normal people would wear, designer brands and rare pieces, his closet was filled with those unwanted clothes. 

"It's about to rain, you should stay in your house okay."

House. It was just cardboard boxes he tried to arrange to make it seem somewhat like a house. He picked his bag, taking out some oddly expensive fabrics and making a soft bed for the cat after shiting the carbdoards under a shet.  

"This will keep you warm."

He said wrapping the animal with the warm pieces, petting her head and kissing her. His mom had specially asked him not to touch street animals since they were dirty, but why take away the only thing he loved?


sorry for the boring chapter.

and boy, oh i love seokjins character so much

though dont blame me when you end up hating almost everyone

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