Chapter 16

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"Hey, baby," Nico smiled as Henrietta exited the classroom. He clasped his hand with hers. "How did class go?"

"I was really nervous, but I did it," Henrietta said with a soft smile.

"You did it all by yourself. Haze and I are so, so proud of you. Did you set up another meeting with your professor?"

She nodded, snuggling close to his side as they walked to his car.

It had been a few weeks since she had been kidnapped. Today was the first day she had gone to class all on her own. She still didn't feel comfortable walking alone, or seeing that same parking lot. Nico or Haze were almost always with her.

Nico kissed her forehead. "Let's get you home and we'll eat something good before your appointment."

She had tried to forget about it. She had taken Dr. David's advice on a therapist and today was her first appointment. It just made her feel inferior since this was her field of study, but her two guys had insisted, and she knew it was for the best.

"And it doesn't make you inferior," Nico said, pulling the words right from her head. "Not one bit, Henny. You're a strong ass woman, and I'm honored you're my girl."

He kissed her forehead, and she smiled uncontrollably at his kind words. It eased some of the turmoil that had been brewing all day. "You're the sweetest, Nico."

"I guess it's our girl technically," he sighed dramatically, opening the car door for her.

"How is Haze?"

"Busy. This new business situation we're setting up is going to be good. I know it, but-"

"You're feeling inferior," she said, using the words from before.

"Yeah, baby. I don't have a degree and I'm partnering up with someone who has an advanced degree. I know Haze doesn't doubt me, but I doubt me. It's no longer about reputation."

"You need to talk to Haze," Henrietta said. "You guys don't let me have these kinds of thoughts. You shouldn't either. We all know you're more than capable."

"Thanks, Henny," he said.

As soon as she stepped into her apartment, she was squished between Haze's muscular arms, mindful of her shoulder and arm.

"My baby," he cooed.

"Our," Nico corrected.

Haze hushed him. "How was your class? I'm so proud of you." He pressed kisses all over her face.

Henrietta laughed happily. "You're smooshing me, Haze."

"I made you something to eat," Haze said, finally releasing her.

"Haze, you're doing too much," she said, unable to stop smiling. Their praise made her feel so accomplished.

"Nonsense. We just adore you so much, and I know you're mentally exhausted. I can see it. I just want you to be able to relax before your appointment, okay?"

She nodded, cupping his cheeks for a gentle kiss on the lips. She gave one to Nico too.

"Thank you. Go back to doing your work. Nico wants to talk to you about something about it," she said.

For now, the guys were working off of her dining room table, which was pretty inconvenient considering her kitchen, dining room, and living room was all one large space. But, they didn't want to be far, and neither did she.

She changed her clothes, washing her hands, and digging into the beautiful pasta salad Haze had made her with chicken. He had already set her out a glass of water and everything.

She kissed his cheek in passing to her bedroom, choosing to eat at her little desk in there while she worked on her homework.

Her professors had been really good to her, and really understanding. They, for the most part, had helped her get caught up. Her grades were still going to take a hit, but at this point, she was okay with just passing.


"I won't do business with anybody who thinks less of you because of your education," Haze told Nico. "There are going to be those shitty people, but I could care less. You're my brother."

"Thanks Haze. I just don't want to bring you down."

"You're not. I promise. You're smart as hell, and I need help with all of these fucking numbers."

"Out of everything, why did we choose to start an investment company?" Nico rolled his eyes playfully, knowing he and Haze had given a lot of thought to this business, way before the Macklin Brothers were a thing.

Nico stood to check on Henrietta who was fast asleep in her bed.

"Tonight's going to bring out some terrible memories," Haze mumbled.

"Yeah, and I know there are going to be reprocussions, but she hasn't told us hardly anything about what happened to her."

Haze nodded. Nico was right. Henrietta didn't have to tell them anything. It wasn't their place, but she also couldn't pretend it didn't happen. He just hoped it wouldn't permanently set back the little progress she had made.

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