Chapter 10

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"I'm Supervisory Special Agent Frank Lesto," a tall willow-y man with a thin mustache said, shaking Nico's hand.

"I'm Nico, and that's Haze," Nico replied back.

"I have been assigned your case. Our office received that file you had sent over, and I got in touch as soon as I could. We've been trying to stop Crow and his team for a long time now, and with your evidence, we could really nail him."

"We appreciate you letting us help with the investigation," Nico continued. "Haze and I have a location narrowed down to a small area. We might be able to narrow it down further with your knowledge."

Lesto nodded, leading the pair over to a desk.

"You said you'd be expecting a call soon?" Frank asked.

"Yes, Crow said he would call to tell us where to meet with the ransom," Haze said, speaking for the first time. He and Nico had been working nonstop to try to get Crow's location so they could find Henrietta. It had already been four days, and they were losing time fast.

The days had been moving so slow but so fast at the same time. They hadn't heard one word from Crow, and they were worried sick. Haze was doing his best to stay level headed, but he was so fucking pissed off. Henrietta should have never gotten involved. They should have clued her in right from the beginning. He and Nico should have considered what it meant having and caring for another person when they had enemies.

They had been selfish, and Henrietta was the one taking the consequences.

Lucky for them, Crow did call while Agent Lesto was around so he could help them trace it.

"Do you have my money, and my shipment?" Crow asked.

Haze listened intently to the background, but heard no sign of Henrietta.

"Yes," he answered.

"Good. Let's play nice and not get the feds involved, okay? I'll bring the girl, you bring the money. I'll text you the address."

"How will I know that you will show up?" Haze pushed.

Crow laughed, and the phone went silent. Haze slammed it down on the desk.

"Does he think we're that fucking stupid?" Haze growled.

Nico grazed his hand along his back. "Come on, Haze. Let's go get some air."

They stepped outside the office and into the quiet street. Haze sucked in a deep breath, only releasing it when Nico pulled him close.

"We'll get her back," Nico mumbled.

"I know we will," Haze said. "But it still doesn't change the fact that this all our fault."

Nico sighed.

"Do you think she hates us?" Haze continued.

Nico couldn't answer that. He didn't know how he would feel if he was in Henrietta's shoes. She had finally opened herself up to meeting new people, and just as it was getting good, it all went to shit. They were still getting to know each other and building trust. All of that was now gone. He assumed she would want nothing to do with them.

"We got the exact location from that call," Agent Lesto said, holding the door open for them.

Finally, they had some good news.

Lesto and his team, as well as some local officers came up with a plan to breach the facility. It was a massive warehouse with multiple levels and probably crawling with people.

"We're coming with," Nico said.

"I don't think so," Agent Lesto frowned. "You guys will be a part of the investigation now. You do realize that, don't you?"

"Yes, we know," Haze said, frowning back. His frown was deeper and scarier. "Just let us get Henrietta. We won't do anything else."

Lesto thought it over, before nodding.

"Fine. We leave in five."

They rode with Lesto to the location. Nico could feel his heart pounding in his chest.

"Okay. Let us breach, and we will call you when you can come in," Lesto said, going over the details for a third time.

Haze huffed, but Nico nudged him
Lesto handed Haze the walkie-talkie.

Lesto left, leaving Haze and Nico in the car.

"Does he not know who we are?" Haze growled.

"We're going to be criminally investigated because of this," Nico started. "We need to play by the rules now."

"Fuck the rules. I'm not waiting." Haze opened the car door, and Nico raced to catch up with him.

"You can't just storm in there," Nico protested.

"Why not?" Haze lifted his shirt to reveal the gun tucked in his waistband.

"Haze," Nico groaned.

"I hear what you're saying," Haze said. "But Henrietta needs us, and I'm not going to sit in the car while something happens. What if Crow escapes and takes Henrietta with him?"

Nico opened his mouth to respond.

"The cells are located on the very bottom floor," Lesto said from the walkie.

Haze and Nico wasted no more time before rushing in.

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