Chapter 13

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Henrietta finally slept, fully slept, with Nico and Haze piled in close. They were crammed in her small bed. Haze had to pull it out from the wall so they all could fit properly. She knew that was the first they probably slept too. She could see how exhausted they were.

She was laying against Nico when she woke up. It was still kind of dark out. She had no idea what time it was.

Nico rubbed her back.

"Hey, sleepyhead," he said with his full stunning Nico smile, the one she had been waiting to see. The one that was always so contagious.

"You slept for quite awhile. It's actually morning." Nico stretched. "Haze and I just woke up too. I didn't want to move just yet." He kissed her cheek.

"Where's Haze?" She was tired of one of them always missing.

"Making us something good to eat," he chuckled, like he could read her thoughts. "You're so cute." He bumped his nose with hers. "Do you hurt?"

"I tried to stay off my left side, but the cut still aches," she admitted.

"We should probably change the bandage again. Let's go eat first though."

Nico stood and Henrietta followed. He wrapped her favorite blanket around her shoulders like a cape, and she snuggled it close with a yawn.

She shuffled out of the room. Whatever Haze was cooking smelled incredible, and her neglected stomach rumbled.

"Hey, Henny," he greeted as she shuffled into his arms. He kissed her hair. "Still sleepy, baby?"

She shook her head no. "I slept more than enough."

"Wanna eat a little something?" he asked. She couldn't say no, not when he cooked just for her.

"Just a little something," she agreed, and Haze smiled, actually smiled. It was just a little one, but it brightened his stern festures and she wanted to melt. "Did you already get groceries?" She eyed the fruit on the counter.

"Fully stocked," Nico said, ushering her over to the kitchen table. "Haze and I also figured out what brand of tea your favorite coffee shop gets, and we got a big box of it for you."

"The raspberry green tea?" She was shocked that they cared so much.

Nico kissed her cheek, placing the steaming mug in front of her. Haze set down her plate full of all of her favorite breakfast foods.

"Thank you," she told them both. "Today's already Tuesday. I think I need to start going to class again, or-"

"Or?" Haze asked, sitting across from her.

"Or maybe I'll just take the rest of the semester off."

"It's your call," Nico answered. "I can't even imagine how you feel, but I do know that it's really hard to get back in once you get out."

Henrietta glanced at Haze who finally looked up from his plate.

"I think you should talk to your dean and your advisor. I would at least try to get back in."

She sniffled a bit. It was incredibly daunting to have to think about going back to class, to have to explain her situation to her school and her jobs. It was like she could never escape it.

Nico took her hand, speaking softly, "Eat a little before you wander too far."

She picked at her food, before deciding she actually was hungry and cleared most of her plate. Haze's cooking was incredible.

"Are you guys going back to work?" Henrietta asked as she gathered the dishes.

"No, baby," Haze said. "The Macklin Brothers are finished."

"Oh," she frowned. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be," Nico said, loading the stack into the dishwasher. "You are way more important to us. We will find something to do."

"It was kind of a dumb name," she teased. Nico tossed a cloud of foamy soap her way and she jumped back with a laugh.

Nico shook his head with a chuckle. He joked, "I thought it was creative."

"I thought it was good at the time," Haze huffed. "It's not like you had anything better, Nico."

"Why don't you get your laptop and I'll help you type some emails?" Haze suggested to Henrietta. As much as she really didn't want to, she had to take this first step.

"I should probably go down and talk to Dr. David in person," she said.

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