Chapter 1

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"Thank you," Henrietta smiled, accepting the change and receipt from the cashier. She stuffed it into her bag, leaving the crowded student union building to the fresh, bright air outside.

She took a deep breath, rolling the paper bag with her lunch so it would stay warm for her drive home.

Her apartment wasn't too far from the campus. It took about fifteen minutes to drive with all of the traffic that never seemed to clear. She was eager to change her clothes and wash her hands, and rest before she had to complete her pile of homework.

Normally, the library would be her study place of choice, but considering she had worked a long shift there just that morning, she was happy to be anywhere but the library.

She settled on the floor in front of her sofa, spreading her books on the coffee table. She released a sigh as she took a bite of her sandwich. She didn't know why work always ended up being due at the same time.

She was getting her Master's degree in psychology with hopes to become a counselor or therapist.

She liked school. She enjoyed being out on the campus even after so many years of being there. She had a good job at the library, and she worked for a therapy office downtown on the days she didn't have class. Working at the library was convenient if she already had to be on campus.

Luckily, her schedule was nothing like it was when she was an undergraduate. Classes were less frequent and smaller, and most work was done independently.

She stretched out. She was proud of her effort. She felt like her hard work was paying off. Everything she had ever been through had led her to this moment where she was going to create a good life for herself, and with that, a better life for others, too.

She shook her head, focusing back on her task.


Henrietta glanced at her phone, noticing she was almost done with her shift already. She pushed the cart full of the books she was putting away back behind the main desk.

She took a seat, watching groups of students come and go, scattering to the different floors to go about their day. She always wondered what it would be like to have someone to study with. She assumed it would be quite distracting, but it would be nice to have someone to talk to.

"Hi," her coworker greeted, pulling her backpack off of her shoulders. "How's everything been here?"

"Same old," she said, flashing a little smile. "It's been busier than usual with midterm exams coming up."

Her coworker sighed, signing into the computer to clock in for her shift.

"Tell me about it. I have an exam every day next week," her coworker rolled her eyes.

She gathered her things, pulling her own bag over her shoulders. "I have class. I'll see you later. Good luck on your exams."

Her coworker smiled as thanks and Henrietta left the library, walking the busy campus streets to the building where her lecture hall was located.

She watched the other students as they filtered in, laughing and talking animatedly. They sat in large groups, and she glanced at the empty seats around her, wondering if she should move closer. If only it was easy for her to join in.

It wasn't.

The professor moved faster, faster than Henrietta could keep up with. Her notes were a scribbly, blotchy mess, and she was still trying to finish her thoughts when class ended.

She chewed on the inside of her lip, realizing some of the presentation slides had been skipped, and she was confused. Her professor was almost finished packing up, and she hurried to gather her own things so she could talk to him.

"Excuse me," Henrietta called politely.

"Yes?" the professor gave a kind smile. He pulled off his glasses, stuffing them in his shirt pocket.

"The slides you skipped over," Henrietta said, flipping through her notes. "I am confused on one of the concepts."

"I was hoping to get to it in class before our exam next week, but we ran out of time," he said apologetically. "Why don't you send me an email and try to come to my office on Friday? That should give you enough time to study it."

"Okay, thank you." Henrietta placed her notebook in her bag. That would give her some time to come up with specific questions, but she'd have to move her shift at the clinic.

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