Chapter 6

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"I know I messed up," Henrietta mumbled, tossing a package of spinach and a package of tomatoes into her shopping cart. "I thought it would be like all of our other exams, but the online professor completely changed the format."

"Henny," Haze's deep voice soothed. He reached for her, smoothing the hair away from her face. She took a trembling breath. "Even if you fucked up, there's nothing you can do about it now. You don't need to work yourself up." 

"He's right," Nico said, rounding the corner from the next aisle. His arms were full of cookies and chips and ice cream. He dropped it all into the cart.

"We are only three people," Henrietta said, feeling an uncontrollable smile form.

"It's movie night. I want to be prepared. But seriously, about your test, you did as well as you possibly could have."

"I know you're right. It just could cause me to have to retake the class, and it's frustrating."

"Tell me about it." Nico rolled his eyes. "That's why I didn't make it. I wasn't patient enough to keep pushing through after I messed up."

Henrietta, Nico, and Haze had been spending a lot of time together the past few weeks. She enjoyed their company and getting to know them. They were really great friends, and they were beginning to know her more than anyone ever had.

They bought their groceries, heading out to Haze's car. They were going to Henrietta's apartment. She was going to cook them dinner, and there was a movie Nico wanted to watch.

It all felt so normal, like Henrietta was exactly where she was meant to be.

Haze and Nico had visited her apartment once or twice just for a brief moment. She was comfortable having them in her space, something she had never experienced before.

"Where did you learn how to cook?" Haze asked. He watched her every move in her little kitchen. Nico was stretched out on her couch just a few feet away.

"I taught myself," she admitted, feeling the familiar blush creep up her neck.

"It smells amazing," Nico said. His eyes were shut and if he hadn't spoken, Henrietta would've thought he had fallen asleep.

"Thank you." Henrietta smiled. "Did you guys have a long day?"

Haze nodded, "This client we have is being pretty difficult."

Haze and Nico had told her that they owned a consulting business. They never went into much detail, and were never truly open about their day to day.

The truth was, Henrietta didn't know if that was normal or not. She didn't know if she was allowed to push them any further because it really wasn't her business.

Besides, it wasn't like they knew every detail about her life either.

Haze set the table and the trio gathered around.

"It looks just as great as it smells," Nico said.

"Do you cook?" Henrietta asked as she dished out the pasta.

"Haze can pretty well." Nico smiled at Haze. "I'm good at cleaning up."

"This tastes amazing," Haze added softly, giving her the softest look she had ever seen across his stern features.

She was certain she was going to melt into her chair with both of them giving her so much care and endearment. She felt special.

"She's beautiful and she can cook," Nico winked at Haze who rolled his eyes.

Henrietta blushed. Getting to know them had been slow and steady, and she was beyond comfortable with them. It was scary how much they consumed her thoughts. She had never felt so close to another person before, let alone two. It was a big emotional burden to figure out the right balance.

Nico and Haze cleaned up, refusing to let her help. They moved over to her couch and she turned on the TV for the movie.

"Come closer," Nico encouraged gently, holding his arm out. "Only if you want to."

She hesitated, only for a moment, before settling close. She offered him some of her blanket, and he brushed his lips over her forehead, making her feel giddy and light.

"What about Haze?" she mumbled, lifting her head to look at him.

"I'm okay," he whispered, and she could tell he was being sincere.

"But I'm not," Henrietta said. "Scoot closer."

Haze did as he was told, moving so he was also pressed up against her.

She couldn't describe what it felt like having the two of them so close, to be wanted by two incredibly handsome and sweet men who were going at her pace.

If only Henrietta knew that was the beginning of the worst part of her life.

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