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[In this fic, men can also get pregnant!! Because I don't know what other reason I should give that could explain about male pregnancy!!

Although men can pregnant but it's harder for men to conceive compared with women.]

Pete's pov~

I stared at my reflection in the mirror. My upper body was naked; skin covered with purple and red marks all over. I gently caress them with my fingers, they were given to me by my husband. They were marks of his love and affection for me. I trail down my fingers until I stop at my belly that keeps on growing bigger and bigger, day by day, I feel a sense of ecstasy and joy in my heart and soul. Yes, I'm pregnant!!!

I'm pregnant with twins. This is one of the greatest blessings of my life. I have Vegas, Venice, Macau and now I'm expecting twins with Vegas. I have home now. I want nothing more.

The babies started moving a month ago, since then they were very active inside the womb, but they were very well behaved even if they were still fetuses. The first time I felt their movements, the sensation was fluttering, and then a tiny kick. Since then, their movements became more frequent and active, kicking, elbowing and jabbing every now and then.

I feel so blissful and there is a kind of feeling I could not explain. It's an euphoric feeling to be a mother.

Someone once said, "You never understand life until it grows inside of you" I believe it's true.

I was still dazed when a pair of cold hands wrapped around my waist, his chin placed on my shoulder before calling me ' baby ' softly.

I stared at our reflections, a perfect match from heaven I must say. I'm pretty sure our love is something that comes once in a lifetime.

"Baby, what are you thinking of?" He asked me as he planted a kiss on my shoulder, while his hands were caressing my belly as he gazed at me with full of love and affection in his exquisite eyes. I looked at us in the mirror, this man embracing me warmly is the father of my twins, the person I love the most.

I turned my head slightly, to meet his eyes with mine. Then I looked at his beautiful and moist lips which were daring me to desire them. Such that I couldn't hold back and kissed him without restraint. Our tongues intertwined; dancing and entangling, fighting for dominion but none of us surrendered.

Breaking off until we were out of breaths. There were smiles on our faces and I know I'd always fall in love with more and more everyday.

"Is Venice asleep?" I asked him, wrapping my arms around his neck and his hands were on my waist.

"He went to bed an hour ago. Baby why are you not wearing anything? You might get a cold." He hurriedly went to the closet and picked up his white t-shirt and helped me wear it; buttoning the buttons one by one as I stared at his serious but handsome face without blinking. I find him particularly sexy and hot whenever he's serious about doing something. The view before my eyes is breathtaking. I think I'm the only person in this world who can say such a man like Vegas belongs to me. I'm very lucky to be loved by someone like him.

"Baby, did they move while I was away for a while?" He asked as he finished what he was doing.

"They did but I think they miss their pa very much. Just after you came inside, both of them immediately gave me a kick each. I think they can feel you."

"Of course they can feel me. I'm their father." He said proudly. " "Baby, it's getting late, you should rest now. I'll carry you to the bed."

"No need..." Before I could refuse he had already picked me up in a princess carry and strides his legs towards the bed. He lay me down gently then he, himself, got onto the bed; wrapping our bodies with the blankets till our chests.

I turned my body so now we're both facing each other, he was gazing at me deeply with fondness. His lips curled slightly and his gaze was still fixed on me. I don't know why but whenever Vegas stares at me like that I always feel shy and I can't help but blushed even when we're married for years now. It's like our first few moments of being together.

His hands keep rubbing my abdomen gently and lovingly. In the past few weeks, Vegas has formed a habit of placing his ear on my belly; listening to their movements and heartbeats. The three of them have formed a bond between them. They can sense their father's touch as they respond with kicks and elbows almost every time Vegas caresses my belly or talks to them. It's not only Vegas, but both Venice and Macau love to talk to the twins. They were more excited for the arrival of twins than me.

"At first I thought Venice might take time to accept the twins but he's more excited than us." I said as I thought of that day when we told Venice about the twins. I thought he'd be sad or feel like we'd give him less attention once the babies are born but his reaction proved otherwise. Venice was so happy and excited that he immediately went to call Porsche and Khun Kinn's twins, Luke and Leia, to tell them about the good news. His excited and happy reactions were beyond words, I never expected that. It's probably because my baby Venice is the best. I know!!!!

"He's a good boy. I know he'd never have lower self esteem once he learns about the twins. Look at how he cares about his cousins, Luke and Leia, and how much he loves to play with them. He will love them dearly and be very protective of his siblings."

"He's like you. I believe he will love the twins just like how you love Macau. I have faith in my baby."

Vegas nodded his head and said, "It's in the blood of every Theerapanyakul to love and care deeply about their siblings."

We stayed quiet for a few minutes. I nestled in his arms, I like to look at his face before going to sleep. I stared at him for a few minutes while studying his facial features at the same time . His pair of exquisite eyes, the strong but attractive jawline, the moles on his cheeks, the almost invisible scar near the eyebrows, then there's his red and soft lips that I'm very addicted to. Those facial features were breathtaking and attractive, it's no wonder that I had many love rivals in the past. No wait, I still have a long list of names, both men and women who want to climb on Vegas' bed. But I won't let them. They dare to try me and see if I don't make their lives miserables in every way.

"Vegas?" I called his name softly as my eyes were still gazing at his side profile.


"Why are you so handsome?"

"Tell me Pete, why are you so cute?" He asked me back.

I couldn't answer his question immediately , so only after a minute or two of silence I replied softly, "I don't know."

"I'm the same too. But I think we are quite a perfect match. You're cute and I'm handsome, isn't it perfect?" He chuckled lightly.

I didn't know how to reply to him back. My words got stuck in my throat . Only after a few moments later did I say,

"I think so too." I spoke softly and shyly before I asked him again, "Who do you think the babies will look like?"

I wanted to know. I won't feel depressed or sad if they don't look like me. It's fine if they look like Vegas or have both of our traits. No matter what, I'm gonna love them with all my heart and soul.

"I don't know who they will look like but I know they will have your eyes."

There was so much love and affection in his voice, his gentleness and tenderness towards me I can feel it every time. I wanted to say a few more words but he stopped me before I could.

" Baby, it's not good for you and the babies' health if you stay up late. Let's sleep now, okay?" As he said that, he moved his body to turn off the lights on both sides of the bed but before he did he pecked a kiss on my lips and said, "Good night baby. Sweet dreams!!"

Sweet dreams hubby.

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