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Vegas' pov

Pete has recovered from his injuries and he's perfectly fine now. His journey to recovery is somewhat smooth and easier compared with other cases. Which is God's love and blessings, I believe. My world has become colourful again. I can see him smile and I love listening to his laughter everyday. The second family , which used to be a lifeless home, becomes much better and feels more like home because of Pete's existence. 

It feels warm and homely now.

Pete and I had adopted my dad's child with that woman. He was named Venice by Pete.Because both Macau and I are named after places, Pete has come up with the name of Venice.
As long as it's something Pete wants or decide, I don't mind going along with him.
He loves that kid, our son who always gets Pete's attention after he woke up from coma. I know I'm jealous but still I say nothing , maybe it's because I have grown fonder and I have come to love Venice as my own son.

Macau's doing great now, he loves Pete as much as he loves me, he started going to college recently. He and Porchay are in the same faculty which makes Kim drink a lot of vinegar everyday. I know Macau doesn't feel that way about Porchay but they are of the same age, went to high school together so they are pretty close as friends. But being possessive of their lovers is in the blood of every Theerapanyakul's family member. So unsurprisingly, Kim being jealous of Macau and Porchay's closeness is not somewhat unexpected.

Take me as an example, I get jealous of every person that Pete talks to. Be it Venice who Pete's love so dearly, the housemaids, nurses and doctors who took care of him when he was in the hospital,my cousins and their bodyguards, I can't control the jealousy. Although I won't prevent Pete from interacting with them, my jealousy and obsession has reached the point where I want Pete's attention all for myself and no third person shall come into our world.

I want to lock him inside so only I can see him but that will make me a devil. That will make my baby unhappy, he'll never forgive me, his love for me will turn into hatred if I did that and I don't want him to be a lifeless doll cause if I could I would want to be the reason for his every smile.

Before I met Pete I never believed in love. I didn't believe it when they said there's always that one person you've had feelings for since the moment you first met but now I do.

Though before I got together with Pete, I had sex often with different sexual partners, they could never move my heart. I get bored of them easily and there's no single one of them who could make my heart flutter like the way Pete does.The first time I saw him at the bar, my heart told me he was the one.

His innocent yet cute smile, his pair of gentle and beautiful eyes when he gazes at me lovingly, has the power to drive away every pain and anxieties I have.

The shy and blushing face of his when we make love, and the love bites and red traces I leave on his body makes me realise he's mine and I'm his.

Because of him, I know what love is. To love someone is a nice feeling but to love and be loved by that someone is beyond perfection.

Pete, the sunshine in my darkest days, the only reason that I live for if he's not with me then what's the use of living this life. A life without him, I'd rather die than live. When he was in coma, there's not a single day that I didn't cry. Yes, I never expected a person like me to be a crybaby. Crying silently, praying to God and wishing every night for Pete to wake up soon. 
Losing him will end up my life cause he means that much to me.

Thankfully, he came back to me and there's no day I don't pray for us , to be together in this life and the next life to come.

After my father's death, I gave the second family's ring to Uncle Korn. I don't want to be part of the Mafia world anymore. I don't want to be like my father, I never had the intention to be like him, who doesn't love his wife or children, whose heart is made of stone. Unlike him, I have people I love and care about, I need to protect them and stay away from those dangerous jobs.

I know, what my father did was not redeemable and my uncle is not a good thing too. Better stay away from all that mess and lead a life with Pete and Macau far away from the world of mafia. 

But I still maintain a good relationship with my cousins because I know Pete will be sad and unhappy if I completely cut ties with them. Overall, they are my wife's former bosses and they are people who my wife loves and cares about.

I started a company a month after Pete went into coma, a company that deals in the real estate business, stores, shopping malls and restaurants. So far the company is going well, the profit for last month increased to 3% and the future looks bright. The company is completely legal and financially stable.

I wanted to give Pete all the best things in this World because he deserves it. I want to pamper him, spoil him, love him, and of course I love to fuck him too. 


Pete's pov

The first time I met Vegas, it was at a bar, I was drunk and confused and my clarity was blurred. The only thing I remember about that person was his pair of beautiful eyes. 

The most beautiful eyes I've ever seen in my entire life.

The second time I met was at the hotel where I previously worked, but I never expected that from that day onwards my whole world would turn upside down whenever I see his face and look into that pair of beautiful eyes.

It feels so amazing to find someone in the least expected place, where it wasn't supposed to be and you expected nothing out of it but suddenly you realise, the person standing there right in front of you is everything you ever need.


It's been four months since I woke up from the coma. I can't remember anything about the past few months that I was in a coma . Neither did I'm able to hear or feel the people around me. It was such a terrible experience. But something woke me up. My senses came back to life. It was a soft and wet touch on my lips. A kiss full of love. The kiss and touch from the other person was something I'm very familiar with. It was Vegas. The person who brought me back to life was him.

"My lover,my true love, my life."

 It was Vegas' kiss that brought me back from the coma.

A true love kiss.

I never believed in fairy tales but now I believe sometimes fairy tales do come true. I have faith in our love and I know being with Vegas was the best decision I've ever taken in my life. I'm not scared of dying but I'm scared if I leave this world, how will Vegas live, how will he survive and who will love him more than I do?


[Okay in the previous chapter I promise a longer chapter for this one but here it is still very short. Guess why? Because I'm very lazy.😂]

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