That is Unheard Of

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I wake up the next morning knowing that this is my last day of peace before the war comes pounding on our doorstep. This is the day I will cherish with my friends and fiancé whom I don't know how much time I have left with. I will treat this day like my last day on earth so I will not have any regrets going into this war. I know that when it inevitably comes to someone I love's life versus mine, I will always save them.

I roll over in bed to see Braden still sleeping soundly. Small snores leave his lips as he breathes. I place a soft kiss on his lips and sneak out of bed as to not wake him. I change into my black jeans and a baggy forest green t-shirt that I tuck in. I walk out with my converse on my feet and head towards the kitchen where I can smell food being made. I notice the cooks rummaging around, cooking mass amounts of food for their pack and the White Stone Pack. They must be overwhelmed.

"Would you like some help?" I offer.

They all stop what they were doing and stare at me, wide eyed. No one speaks, no one moves a muscle. They don't even blink. They just stare blankly at me as if I just killed a puppy.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to offend..?" My apology comes out more of a question because I am confused and not sure what is going on.

Another pack member walks into the room with an apron on and glares at the cooks who aren't working, "What are you all doing standing there like someone just murdered a puppy? Get back to work, chop chop!" She claps her hands together a few times.

Everyone snaps out of their daze as this lady's words and begins doing what they were doing before I opened my mouth. The lady seems to notice me now and walks over.

"What can I do for you? As you can see we are quite busy and are in no way able to make any special requests no matter who you are," she states with a strong voice. I like her.

"I wasn't here to ask for anything, I was going to grab some cereal before noticing you guys making breakfast. I just offered my help but they all..." my voice dies off as I realize it is unimportant. "I'll just go, sorry for disturbing you."

"You were offering help? You? The 'Saviour'" she uses air quotes with her fingers around the word.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have interrupted," I apologize.

"No, but I guess it is okay if you were trying to help and not harass my workers here."

"Of course not, I would never," I truthfully reply.

She gives me an accusing glare but then lightens up slightly, "Doesn't seem like you would. Breakfast will be ready in twenty minutes."

I nod and excuse myself from the kitchen. I found the corner to see Amara standing there. I jump slightly at the shock. I didn't expect to see anyone else up and around.

"Sorry for startling you Ash. I just was going to check on breakfast when I overheard your conversation. Heidi likes you, that is unheard of," she seems baffled.

"Why? She seems like a nice lady," definitely my kind of people.

"Nice," Amara let's put a short chuckle, "She has been working here forever and practically runs this castle, ordering everyone else around. Not just other workers either, even the warriors and guards feel her wrath. You never want to be on the wrong end of the stick with that woman. She is lethal with her glares. She seems to like you though. I didn't know she was capable."

"I guess I just have a similar personality. She seems great."

"Glad you think so. that you have a moment, I need to ask. Can I see the ring?"

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