That is None of Your Business

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We are walking back to the White Stone Pack. Jax has stayed silent as I freak out on the inside. Someone I don't know knows. This isn't good.

"I'm sorry," Jax whispers.

"It's alright, I know you didn't mean to," I sigh.

I'm not mad at him I'm more just frustrated. What's going to happen now? Will they force me to stay in the castle so they can use me in their battles? Will they hand me over to the rogues? Will they kill me? I don't know and I hate not knowing.

Before I know it, we are back at the pack house and I can hear the chatter and music coming from the backyard. We walk around the house and I see a bunch of people drinking, dancing, and laughing. I look to Jax giving him an 'are you kidding me' look.

"Hey, hey. Just give it a chance. Maybe your Lamara is here somewhere," Jax says in a hushed tone.

I roll my eyes and make my way over to the party. Sticking to the outskirts of the crowd. Once I manage to lose Jax, I walk to the bonfire that is burning and sit on a nearby log. I pick up a stick and poke at the fire, watching the embers dance with light. The fire dies down a bit as I sit there and only embers remain. I look around myself and over my shoulder to see if anyone is watching. Once I determine that I am alone, I hold out two fingers, my fire dancing across them as I throw it onto the wood. The fire now tall and bright. I smile as I feel the warmth of my element on my face. A hand lands on my shoulder causing me to jump slightly and look behind me. I grin widely and jump up to hug Hayden. He is finally back from overseas.

"Hayden! Thank god you are back," I sigh in relief as he hugs me back.

"Hey Ash, everything okay?"

"Not really but I am guessing you have been filled in by Sam about what has been going on."

Hayden nods and takes a seat on the log, patting the spot beside him for me to sit down. I slump down onto my seat and look into the fire again.

"What are you worried about?" Hayden wonders.

"I just don't want people to use me. I am afraid that if people found out who I am, they will treat me differently. That they will use me. I don't want people to meet me know who...I want them to know me as Ash Wilson. Badass trainer." Hayden and I laugh at my comment.

"I understand where you are coming from but right now you have two choices. You either stay and tell the people in this pack who you are in order for them to feel safe with the current threat against my pack."

"What's the second option?" I question.

"You leave and hope the rogues leave as well. I don't know how they know the Saviour is here but let's hope it's a lucky guess and they are telling all the packs this."

I sigh. I would rather leave to keep them safe but what if the rogues don't leave them alone. What if the moment I leave is when they finally decide to attack? Why do I have to make such hard decisions?

"What do you think Hayden? What would be best for you and your pack?" I ask, looking for an answer.

Hayden shakes his head, "I cannot make that decision for you. You must make it yourself. I will support you either way."

I huff. I don't want to be left with this bug if a decision. This is the lives of countless people in my hands now. I land my chin in the palm of my hand with my elbow in my knee. What to do, what to do. I guess I will talk with Jax and see what he thinks. Maybe we can ask surrounding packs if they have gotten similar messages. Movement in front of me causes me to look up from the fire. Braden. He sits down in the other side of the fire pit, observing me.

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