You're A Stanger and A Dog

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I have been home for a couples days and I can't shake the feeling that I wasn't told something. John has been careful around me and Cress can't seem to look me in the eye for long. I am currently sitting at the dining room table with Cress and John.

"What? Why are you both acting so weird around me?"

"I don't know what you are talking about," John denies.

"You have both been acting ridiculous since I woke up. What happened?"

John sighs, "Two weeks after you were in the coma, something happened on your birthday. I was visiting you and you seemed to be in a lot of pain. You opened your eyes."

"Wha...I did? I don't remember that."

John nods, "I figured. The thing is...your eyes, they," he takes a deep breath, "They were glowing orange."

"What?" I chuckle in a confused tone.

"It's true Ash. I saw it a few weeks after that when it happened again. The doctors never said anything, so I don't think they saw it," Cress confirms.

I...I don't even know what to say. What does that mean? Why, why would that happen? Am I a monster like Kai? Was he right about me and I am going to turn evil? I shouldn't stay here, I don't want to hurt John and Cress.

"I have to go," I announce and stand up from the table.

"Where are you going?" John questions.

"I...I can't explain right now, but I have to do something," I tell them.

"What's going on A? I'm worried," Cress says.

"I'm doing this to protect you both," I admit.

"Protect us from what?" John wonders.


With that, I walk up to my room and pack a duffle bag of essentials. Once I am finished packing, I throw on a pair of black jeans, converse, tank top and my leather jacket. I walk quickly down the stairs to the front door.

"Ash, wait," John stops me. "Here," he hands me an envelope.

"What's this?"

"It's to get you started. Stay safe and call me when you can, okay? You always have a home here with me."

"Thank you," I smile and give him a tight hug.

I put the envelope in my bag and walk out the front door, into the woods. I sling my duffle onto my shoulder as I walk deeper. I have no clue where I am going, but I do know that I have to stay far away from everyone so I don't hurt anyone. I don't know when I am going to turn into a wolf or when I am going to go crazy, but it's best to be away from civilization when that happens.


I have been walking for a few hours now, but I still feel energized. I continue to push myself into the woods as I look around at the scenery with a smile on my face. It's so beautiful out here. Grabbing out a granola bar from my bag, I remove the wrapper and take a bite.

"Ash?" I hear a voice from behind me.

I turn around to see Cas. What the hell is he doing so deep in the forest?

"Hey Cas. What are you doing here?" I wonder.

"I should be asking you that seeing as I don't live very far from here," he chuckles.

"I uh...I am just going on a hike," I lie.

He nods suspiciously, "Where have you been in the last year. I haven't seen you around and Cress wouldn't talk to me."

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