Chapter 22: Trust the Lies

Start from the beginning

Jane reaches back and grabs J's wrist as she throws herself forward, slamming J on the ground and quickly getting up, firing at her again. J rolls out of the way and stands innocently with the bat behind her back.

"I really hope you put more effort when you killed Fritz," she huffs. "This is kinda pathetic."

Jane pulls a knife from her belt and spins it around in her fingers. "I didn't have to. He was so easy to kill, and you will be too."

"Um, I'm not dead," J holds out her hands as if to check. "Must be a bit harder-" she cuts herself off with a gasp and a happy little clap. "That's what she said!" she lets out a delighted squeal as Jane takes a strike at her head with the knife and she swiftly cartwheels out of the way.

She turns and swings at her with the bat, and Jane snaps her hand up to grab the barrel and direct it away. A few of the rusted nails end up piercing through her palm but she just growls and shoves J aside as the lunatic laughs again.

"Yay! It's a two on one fight! Jane Harvey versus J and her good buddy: tetanus!" she hops back as Jane takes another stab at her and she grabs her wrist, pulling her to the side and pivoting her foot to help her as she turns and kicks her in the side.

Jane falls to her knees and J hooks her arm around hers and rolls over her back, shoving her to her side and lifting her bat in both hands, slamming it down towards Jane's head but she rolls out of the way and kicks J in the shin, making her stumble with a grunt.

"Ow, fuck my shin!" she glares at Jane. "You monster!" she flips her off before smacking her in the ass with the bat, making Jane yelp and J giggles hysterically. "Sorry. I may've broken your money maker."

"Shut up!" Jane exclaims and sprints at J, reaching forward to grab her throat but J jumps up and hooks her leg around Jane's arm, climbing up onto her shoulders with her legs around her neck.

Jane reaches up and slices her knife at J, not being able to see where she hits her but J yelps and lets her go, dropping to the ground. Jane turns around and faces her, seeing that her arm is bleeding heavily from a deep gash.

The woman smiles and stalks towards her, grabbing her by the throat and lifting her off the ground. J fights her, kicking and trying to hit her with her bat again, but Jane grabs it and rips it out of her hand, tossing it to the side.

J coughs. "That's... rude," she pouts.

"The Augmenter," Jane demands. "Where is it?"

J giggles with strain and winks at her again. "Oh, I don't know, officer. You might have to search me for it. I hope I'm not in any trouble. I've done nothing wrong," she bats her eyelashes and pouts her lip.

Jane growls. "Does this seem like the time to make jokes?"

"Please, officer. Don't tell my parents. I'll do anything if you keep it secret," she bites her lip, when Jane tightens her grip on her throat with a growl.

"Fuck it! I'll just take it off your corpse," she barks and lifts her knife to her throat above her hand, ready to slice it across her skin when a bullet soars between their faces. Jane flinches back and drops J, who gasps with a delighted giggle. They both look over to see that figure in black.

The Ghost is standing across from them with a glare on his face and his gun directed on Jane and she scoffs. "What the fuck are you doing here? Did Corbin send you?"

J giggles happily and claps. "Ooo are you my sexy savior? To what do I owe the—" she shuts up when Cree's glare and gun both quickly aim at her.

"Shut up," he snaps and glances at Jane again, keeping the gun bouncing between the two women. "As for you, Jane. You're not hard to follow. Your orders were to remain at the Bastion until further notice, yet I find you here starting fights that hold no relevance to anything other than your own selfish agenda."

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