On The Hogwarts Express Train

Start from the beginning

I remember the second we were welcomed to Hogwarts like it was yesterday, and probloms follow us from who knows where. Im used to it. I wish i could have one peaceful year with my friends though. No danger or stress.

"So, Sirius Black is after you because you-know-who banished?, rubbish that is!, isn't it?" Ron said. I have been trying to explain what Mr.weasley said to me as we were looking for an empty compartment.

"Come on, the others are full" Hermione said. She paused for a moment before saying: " they will catch him again, I'm sure, I mean.. everyone is looking for him" Hermione said to ron as she sat down infront of a guy, who seemed to be taking a nap.

"mhm, totally, but, did you forget he is lunatic, murder and a psycho? How did he manage to escape, no one had ever done that." Ron said with in a rather sarcastic tone with a smile.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "thanks Ron" I said sarcasticly. I sank into my own thoughts as i was watching the rain drops on the window.

Later, I looked at the man I was sitting next to, the train stopped, the lights started flickering and then went off. "why did we stop?" Hermione asked in confusion "we can't be there yet" she finished.

I got up and opened the door to see what caused our sudden stop, nothing, I found nothing. I looked out of the train's window to search there too, the full moon's light is what I saw along with a forest like spot.

It started being hard to see though, the windows, started freezing? Other students were doing the same thing, looking here and there. With confusion I looked at other students  with a questioning look in my eyes, they may have seen something, they shook their heads a no.

I looked back at Ron and Hermione. "harry..look at this" Ron said as our compartment's window started freezing, my eyes widened something was getting closer.

Then I heard a thud, rather scared the train started shaking sending me right back to my seat. "what is going on?" Ron said with a shakey voice.

I then saw a girl, with fear she was backing away. I got up and opened the door to pull her in.


y/n pov

After the power went off, I looked around me, we stopped on a bridge that has running lake water under.

I heard cries from a short distance "Mommy! Daddy!" the voice said coming from a rather luxury looking compartment.

I looked back and saw students look at one another exchanging looks of "what had happened?" I looked back and the windows started to freeze.

A rather thin layer of ice started forming on them.The train started shaking and I fell back hitting the door of a compartment causing a thud. I stood up back on my feet as I backed away a little.

Dementors, i thought to myself I'm not sure if it is a dementors attack but I knew one thing, I don't want to meet one absolutely not.

As I was thinking about how much i don't want it to be a dementors attack, I felt a hand on my wrist pulling be to a compartment.

I felt safer and nodded at who pulled me in a thank you.I took out my wand, "Alohomora" I shot at the door locking it. I looked at the others to make sure they were fine too. After all they saved me.

A boy was looking at me so I nodded "I'm okay". I knew he couldn't tell how I felt or see how I look because of the dark and neither I was able to.

"bloody hell" one said with fear. A dark tall figure looked like a ghost with clothes on which came from the depth of hell, approached the compartment and sled its long fingers at the door opening it.

I held my breath as it was about 10 inches away from my face. It started sucking my and a guy's soul.


I opened my eyes with a very blurry vision and a dizzy feeling, "she is awake, is he awake too?" a guy's voice said. I stood up as I was handed a piece of chocolate I think, "eat, it will make you better" the same guy voice said. I took a bite.

"is everyone okay?" I asked with a still blurry vision. "we are okay, thank you for asking" a girl's voice said. "thank you for saving me" I said. "anytime" another guy's voice said with a little shake.

As my vision became to be better and the dizzy feeling started to fade away, I wanted to look around to see who saved me back there, but couldn't as the compartment's door opened and the twin dragged me out.

"guess you our-" George started

"-annoying, non-stop eating-" Fred continued

"-brother Ron" they both said finishing the sentence stating their brother.

"You mean, I was about to.. you both dragged me out before i got the chance to" I corrected with a mocking tone in my voice.

They grinned "sure..." they said at the same time stretching the word (sure), then exited the train. I shook my head and went to grab my bags to leave too. What a way to start a year, huh? I thought.

When I went exited the train, Fred and George were waiting by a carrriage. "We are here-" Fred started "-to help you love" George finished. Iopened my mouth tosay something but they took without hesitation or reluctance willingly my bags and loaded them on the carriage.

I took a seat on the carriage "thank you" I said with a smile. A blonde girl with silvery-blue coloured eyes sat next to me. "hello, I'm y/n l/n" I said. I want to make friends and get to know people so, I wouldn't be lonely. "hey, Luna Lovegood" she responded with a low soft voice.

I turned to face the twins and asked "how do you do that?" stating how many times they thought about the same thing and finished one another. They looked at eachother and grinned, then faced me with the same grin and said "do what?".

"I just told you!" I laughed lightly.

"told us what?, we are sorry ma'am, but we have no idea what you are talking about"

"Stop it!, I can see it in your eyes you both, you are faking it!" "....." a second of comfortable silance went by then we bursed into laughter.

After a while we arrived at the Hogwarts castle and what do I have to say other than "brilliant, just brilliant it is"


(written on: 30/6/2022 - 1769 words)

How do you feel about the twins? Did you enjoy the "friendly towards everyone" talk?

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How do you feel about the twins? Did you enjoy the "friendly towards everyone" talk?

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-Trust me I learned the hard way.

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