#19 I can't give up

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"I am sorry but I have no idea how did this happen." Kris' friend John says.

"It's okay. I have an idea about who can do this. Don't worry, I am sending my men to in search for your manager." Kris says and leaves the office.

He calls Y/n, "Hey Y/n."

"What is it?"

"You know our advertisement was supposed to release around this hour, right?"

"Oh, was it?"

Kris sighs, "Whatever. Someone stole the advertisement."

"Why would anyone do that?" she says with no emotion.

"I dunno. However, as you realize, the advertisement is not releasing today."

"Yeah, okay."

Kris frowns, Why isn't she showing any emotion? She is not worried nor relieved! Does she know nothing?!

"So I was saying- oh she hung up. She is one tough nut to crack." Kris chuckles.

Adelina: "Who was it?! Was it that Kris bastard?!" she shouts after Y/n hangs up.

"Yeah. Why are you shouting daffodil?"

"Why would he call you?"

"He is my fiancee!"

"Fiancee my foot!" she stomps her foot as if she is crushing Kris with her foot (which she can never do), "He is a pervert!!"

"Shout it in front of my father. Don't ruin my eardrums."

After a good sleep, Anna is feeling better. Jin took care of her wound. Jungkook helped him while other gave an earful to Taehyung.

Not to mention that he is feeling guilty. Fuck me! What was I thinking? He is so angry at himself, I was thinking 'bout confessing to my crush who is even going to be engaged within a week. he ruffles his hairs. He sighs and enters Anna's room.

Taehyung: "How are you feeling?'


Her skin is turning purple where she was beaten.

Taehyung: "Yeah very fine. I can see that."

Anna: "I have faced worse okay? There beating was nothing compared to how my father used to beat me."

"Anna. I have told you multiple times and I am telling you again, please tell me if anything's bothering you. You won't have to endure it alone. You are not alone. We are all here for you."

Anna chuckles and hits his head but wince in pain instead.

Taehyung: "I was supposed to wince."

"I am the one with all beatings."

"And whose fault is that?"


Taehyung becomes serious, "Yeah, mine. You are right."

Anna becomes awkward, "Hey, I didn't mean that seriously. I was kidding."

"But its the truth!"

"No its not! You are not meant to protect me or something. My responsibility is to protect myself, not yours responsibility ok? besides don't waste time burning in guilt about this. You have a bigger problem in your plate."

"What do you mean?"

"See what happened already happened. But What is yet to happen can be changed. So give it a shot." she turns her voice into overdramatic tone, "Your crush, you first love, the love of your life the person you can't take your eyes off is going to be married!" she fake cries then becomes serious, "Moreover, the person she is marrying is not even a good person. So you won't be able to say that," she deeps her voice and adds extra sentiment in her words, "I am happy if my love is happy," she becomes normal, "CAUSE SHE IS NOT GOING TO BE HAPPY AT ALL!! He is a pervert, dangerous and a bad person. So save her. Please. I am telling you, she likes you. You have nothing to be afraid of." she says in one breath and starts to pant.

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