"Are you so worried that we will fall? We are Blackstone, mightiest of Ashfeld's legions." I boasted. They were hollow words, I'd long since lost faith in our legion. But, a knight's oaths are not something to be taken lightly, and even less to just throw away. Besides, saying we were mightiest wasn't a lie, even if it had long since stopped giving me pride in saying so.

"Are we?" Was Belial's response. At first, I was unsure how to even respond to that, let alone interpret it. There was a light air of accusation in his tone, mixed with a low tone that reeked of skepticism. Was he skeptical of the Legion? Of our mission? No, certainly not that, he was far too zealous for that. The only thing he could be referring to was...

"You've been going soft, Holden. I can see it, the men can see it, even Master Apollyon has seen it." He hissed. Master Apollyon told him this? Why would she reveal her inner thoughts to someone like him? Belial was a gifted warrior, and a loyal one at that, but he was hardly among the most high ranking knights. Before I had a chance to respond, he turned to face me and continued.

"You spared the rat who eavesdropped on us. You failed to punish the elder's lapdog for his insults, and worst of all, you argued against the Master's wishes. You wanted to spare the traitors, and now you drag your feet as we move to exterminate them. Just which side are you on, my lord?" He chided. His use of 'my lord' was dripping with venom, though it had the opposite effect than I think he wanted. Instead of guilt, I felt a rise of indignation at his words.

Was he really accusing me of being disloyal? This fresh meat who had only been with the legion for a little over two years? Was he really so certain that he understood Blackstone better than I, Apollyon's second? For that matter, what made him think he could understand our men better than me? These were my soldiers, ones I had fought and bled with for years upon years by now. By what right did he speak for them?

I turned to face him, emphasizing my size with each movement of my weapon and frame. We were roughly the same height and build, but my armor was bulkier, giving an impression of size I was more than willing to use. To his credit, this didn't seem to sway him, and he even stood up straighter to try and match me. He was determined in his defiance, I would give him that. Despite my anger, I wanted to avoid this conflict if I could, and so decided to face the core of this insubordination.

"If you are accusing me of something, say it." I growled. A tense silence followed as the both of us tried to size up the other. The last thing we needed was a confrontation in the middle of such a grueling journey, something I suspect both of us knew. Perhaps that was why we had yet to come to blows. Regardless, Belial eventually did speak, though it came in the form of an inquiry.

"Do you still agree with the creed of Apollyon? Her vision? Wholly, and without compromise?"

"Yes." I answered quickly, too quickly, I realized. My answer seemed less like a convicted stance, and more like a rushed confirmation to avoid suspicion. It didn't help that it was only a half-truth, I had my doubts and questions. I did my best not to give away my dishonesty, standing just as stout as I had before. My voice had thankfully not betrayed me, enough to where it wasn't immediately obvious, at least. Belial, for his part, either didn't notice, or did not press upon it, for he was silent for a moment. Only a moment, however.

"Then with all due respect my lord, act like it. We are not here to take insults from insignificant hamlets." He asserted. Insignificant? By what right did he call a land filled with innocents insignificant? I might have struck him, had it not been for my years of discipline and training. Instead, I chuckled and adjusted my head to look down on him, at least as much as I could manage.

"And what are we here for, Tepes?" I demanded. I hoped that using his true name would stagger him, make him think before addressing me in such a tone again. I could see his grip tighten ever so slightly on his weapon, but otherwise noticed no overt reaction. It did take him a moment to recover, however, and he had to clear his throat before he could speak again.

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