"I warned you every fucking time, again and again not to disrespect me not to betray me but what you did huh? Betray me, I gave you several chances which I never gave anyone. I even try to change myself, my ways for you and what you give me? So now I will never let you betray me again" he said and then pulled away from jerking me back.

"I hate you" I said slowly trying to contain my tears that were threatening to fall.

"I don't care now" he said and my heart broke at his words. I looked down not wanting to look at him.

"Goodbye" he said and was gone just like that. I stayed like that for the whole day in the same position not even crying. Nothing can change his decision I gave seen it in his eyes. The care which I have seen before is gone now and I made it go. No one can save me from the devil himself. I am forever stuck here. With that thought I laid down on the bed on my side pulling my knees to my chest and wrapped up in a small ball.

I laid there like that in darkness until some light came from thr window but no one came even when the sun shines brightly. I was gazing at the window while time trying to accept my fate. I am going to die here one day. I dont know when my eyes closed and I fell in a restless sleep. I woke up to a smell of freshly made stew and a lantern placed on the chest and beside it was my food. My stomach growled at the sight of it but I won't eat anything.

Then again I slept and woke up the next morning. This time the stew was replaced with a bowl of fresh porridge but I couldn't even move myself. Its been three days of me not eaten anything. My energy is drained and muscles are aching from lying in the same place for so long. I try to love myself and stood up with difficulty.

I went towards tha washroom and washed my face and did my business then again sat on the bed leaning on the wall behind me and looked at the light coming from the small window. There were metal bars on it.

"So this is your way of defying me" he came in afternoon and said when he saw the untouched food. I didn't even gazed his way and looked away.

"Amanda confessed that she helped you" he said and I looked at him scared.

"She is lying, she didn't help me" I said out of fear.

"Stop lying" he gritted in anger.

"Please don't hurt her I beg you" I said with tears, I can't let him hurt her because of me.

"Please" I said once again.

"Alright but only if you will not defy mel again. Deal?" He asked and I nod.

"Finish your food" he said and I stood to take the bowl but lost my balance because my stiff muscles. I didn't fall as his arms were around me in an instant. He sat me down with a sigh and then went to take the bowl, he placed it in my hand.

"Eat" he said and I start eating not wanting Amanda to be hurt. As it was finished he took the empty bowl from my hand and then turned around.

"There is every thing you will need in the chest, feel free to use" he said and went out shutting the door loudly behind him.

I stood and opened the chest after placing the lantern down on the floor. There were some cloths and everything else that is necessary. I wanted to cry so hard at my hopelessness. When will my punishment end? I will ask him tomorrow about it. I thought and took some cloths and went to take a bath. I smell shit and any longer I will lose consciousness because of the smell.

After the bath I sat again on the bed which was soft surprisingly. The sheets were clean too. There were extra sheets in the chest too. I went to door trying to open it but it didn't budge, I know it's stupid of me to even belive that he will leave it open.

Two days passed then three then a week, finally a month but all this time I haven't seen him once. I am given food two times a day enough to fill me for whole day but I haven't seen anyone coming with it. It's mostly at times when I am asleep. Few times I even try to stay awake to confront him but he makes sure he comes when I am asleep.

I feel like I am going crazy most of the times I talk to myself now and now I don't even talk to myself. At night sometimes I hear voices and always woke up with a nightmare. I woke up all sweaty and scared but that fear only enhance when I see darkness all around, the lantern do little to illuminate the room and then I will spend rest of the night all scared hiding under the blanket.

From past few days I am thinking of ending my life myself beacuse its not ending itself so I am thinking of taking the matter in my hand. I can't live like that, it's been days I even lost count after 30. I don't know for how long he is going to keep me in but I think I have reached my breaking point now.

I can't do this anymore but there is nothing with which I can end my life. I looked around the room and in the bathroom but couldn't find anything at last I sat down on the bed with a sigh. My gaze fell on the glass lantern and I found my answer.

I walk towards it and threw it on the floor harshly as the glass pieces shatter across the floor. I pick a sharp piece and sat down on the floor leaning on the bed. I looked at the shard thinking of my whole life. I don't think I would be able to ever see my father again so why even trying to keep myself alive. There is nothing left for me so better end it soon. I took the piece of glass and sliced my wrist with it.

The only thing that was ringing in my head while I was succumbing to darkness was

You are weak!

You are pathetic!

You don't deserve to live!

And with that I finally closed my eyes welcoming my death.

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