Blood Drizzle🩸🩸

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Nightmare wakes up covered in blood and falls off the bed turning back into Rico as well, this wakes Wolfe up, Wolfe getting up and helping Rico up, seeing blood coming out of his chest and neck still somehow he didn't heal, but he should have, Rico starts letting out a quiet groan from the pain he is having too endure, Wolfe's try's too find medical supplies downstairs, and returns upstairs too see Rico passed out and not waking up, Wolfe picking up Rico he takes him too the Avengers base and is surprised too find Thor still there but no one else, Thor sees Rico in Wolfe's hand and started helping Wolfe carrying Rico in, with Rico also in a vision of fear of Leo dying over and over again. Rico loosing his pulse doesn't mean he's dead yet but does make Thor and Wolfe panic as this was bad for them, Rico starts crying from the fear of seeing the death of Leo repeat in his mind, Wolfe and Thor manages to reach him, and tells him that he has too wake up and face that Leo is not coming back, but he can, Rico still no response on waking up, Thor and Wolfe try harder by comforting him and talking in a very soothing voice this wakes up Rico but he is still bleeding out they grab bandage's and wrapped his neck and chest, Rico is in shock from his fear so he is not moving. Wolfe and Thor having too carry him every where until he is not in shock any more, Rico bleeding still now Rico has came out of shock and started getting up too see Thor and Wolfe, he hugged both of them while crying about Leo's death, it seemed like Rico was going to move on from Leo's death, but Rico falls too the ground from the lost of blood, and sees that he is still covered in blood, but Rico pushes through this pain and stands up, Rico sees that there is poison in his cuts that's why it was not healing, it's death poison but Rico's body is so strong that it is able too fight death itself, Rico so mad because now thinking  he could have with stand the death blade, and started blaming himself for Leo's death, Rico turned into Nightmare Secret 4th form, then started rushing out of there, Nightmare runs into The Grim Reaper, Nightmare and The Grim Reaper started fighting Nightmare kills a random Dario in front of The Grim Reaper by ripping his skin off then throwing him into some battery acid, the acid eating him alive, The Grim Reaper charging towards Nightmare while Nightmare turned into Final form not secret, since it's a lot stronger and bigger, he looms over The Grim Reaper and picks him up cursed him with unbearable fear, then sending The Grim Reaper back too hell.

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