Nightmare😈 & Nightmare👿

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After hugging Thor, Nightmare passes out to see himself in a cave, and sees Darkness and Darkmare leaving him there, Nightmare wakes up and tells everyone what he saw, they say the cave at the mountain?, Nightmare looks again and says yes, Nightmare and everyone starts going through the woods to get to the cave, Nightmare gets a vision telling him to turn right and he listens to his vision and then they see the mountain with the cave at the very top, and sees Darkness and Darkmare leaving then rushes up the mountain, Nightmare starts getting aching pains in his heart, not knowing that the other Nightmare has the blood blade through his heart. Nightmare and everyone enters the cave and sees how deep it is, Nightmare leading the way, and finally Nightmare sees Nightmare, which is very weird for him, Nightmare grabs the blood blade and pulls it out, waking Nightmare 2, Nightmare helps Nightmare 2 up, as Nightmare 2 observed Nightmare also in confusion, then fainted, Nightmare 2 wakes up to see Thor and hugged him, Nightmare says alright so he is not like me after all, Nightmare 2 then try's hugging Nightmare but Nightmare resisted, making Nightmare 2 angry as he insisted that he hugged him, Nightmare gave in letting Nightmare 2 hug him, Nightmare 2 sees Darkmare and Darkness standing behind Nightmare, Nightmare says it's ok they are not going to hurt you, Nightmare 2 try's punching them, but is stopped by Nightmare. Nightmare tells Nightmare 2 that you are not in the right timeline, this is my timeline, Nightmare 2 says that how does he go back, Nightmare responded first we have too get Darkmare 2 and Darkness 2 back into the timeline, Nightmare 2 will y'all help me, Nightmare says yes we will don't worry about that, Nightmare and Nightmare 2 shake hands.

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