Nightmare Blood Thirsty🥀

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Nightmare, Thor and Captain America, arrived at the forest and then Thor tells them what the plan is, but Nightmare says he should be the one making the plan since he is the most powerful, Thor tells him to shut up and listen, Nightmare mumbled fuck you, Thor heard it and replied do you want me to fucking punch you I can easily do that instead I brought the poison with me that we use on you, Nightmare answer's with a no. Nightmare listens to his older half-brother Thor, Thor tells Nightmare that someone has killed half are people, we thought it was you but then we came to your place and heard you inside, so we decided we could use you to defeat what is doing this, Nightmare asked what did the creature say his name was, well he yelled Darkness at us, Nightmare responded saying I'm not hurting him he is family to me I won't do it you will have too torture me, Nightmare knocks the poison out of Thor's hand and then tries to pick it up but Captain America steps on his hand, making disappear into the ground with the poison in his hand and appears behind Captain America and injected him with the poison, Captain America fights through the poison, Nightmare picks up Thor by the throat and throws him across the woods slamming into a trees. Nightmare has went into blood thirst, and starts ripping apart every person he sees while eating their insides. Nightmares teeth grow into sharp teeth, and Nightmare turned into a shark to kill more people, Nightmare ate people whole, then Nightmare turned into a vampire to suck the life out of humans, Nightmare turned over 100,000 humans into vampire in the process, Nightmare then transformed back into his normal self as Nightmare, him being covered in blood, Nightmare reattached his head by using ultimate regeneration powers. Nightmare sees Thor holding a blade and starts laughing, Thor says I wouldn't laugh if I was you, this blade can kill you, the Blood blade, Nightmare runs too his house in 0.1 second it took him that long to get their, he finds Deadpool, Deadpool holds him down while poisoning him with the normal poison, but Nightmare is fighting against it, Nightmare throws Deadpool off of him, Nightmare runs into Thor when he tries to leave and Thor stabs him in the heart, Nightmare looks into Thor's eyes whispering I'm not dying here, Nightmare pushes the blade out and reversed it and stabbed Thor into the neck, and ran away without checking if he was dead, Thor tried to pull the blade out because Nightmare put his power of linking and linked the blade to his neck so he couldn't get it out, Thor died.

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