Start from the beginning

"i sure a- hey did you get a drink?" i said as i looked at eddie in the eye. "uhh no! i'll go get one. i totally forgot." eddie said as he grinned. "i'll go with you." i said as i walked him over to the soda machine, watching as he focused really hard on pouring the ice in, and his coke.

eddie popped the lid on. "okay! got it." he said as he stuck his tongue out. "alright baby, come on." i said as eddie kept his arm around my waist, we walked up to the register and set our stuff down.
the girl at the register rang us up, scanning all of our items. "alright, and your total comes to $20.74." they had said.

i pulled out a fifty as i handed it to the lady. "alright! here's your change! do you two need a bag?" they had asked me and eddie.
"uh yeeeas!" i said as i felt something grip my ass. it was eddie, he was playing with me.

the lady put our stuff in the bag, handing it to us. "alright you two, have a good day!" she said. "thank you, you to!" i said as i took the bag, and walked out of the store with eddie's arm around me.
"why did you do that?!" i said with a mad voice. "relaxxx babe. it was a joke." eddie said as he pulled me in closer.

"alright, we're going to familyVideo to pick out a movie, and i wanna see my bestfriends. spring break is almost over, but i can't wait to see them any longer." i said as i helped eddie into the car.
i got myself in the car, tossing the bag in the car seat, as i drove off.

the whole ride there was just jam out sessions to dio, black sabbath, and metallica. "eddie, can i ask you something?" i asked.
"of course babe, what's up?" eddie said as he placed his hand on my thigh, rubbing his thumb back and forth. "i want to learn how to play the solo to master of puppets.. you did it so well and i want to be just like you.." i said with a shaky voice.

"i would love to teach you.. just in a few days. my legs are hurting badly." eddie said as he played with his rings. "i love you i love you i love youuu! thank you eddie! and.. baby, you don't have to come in if you don't want to." i said.
"no no, baby, i will. but when we go home, i need rest, please." eddie said as he gave me his cute little pouty eyes.

"of course my love, now let's go in!" i said as i opened the door, getting out and walking over to eddie's side as i helped him out.
once i got him out, eddie wrapped his arm around my waist as we walked into the store.

"Y/N!" robin yelled as she came up to me, kissing my cheek. oddly enough, i never found it weird especially because i've known robin sense birth. our mother were high school besties and still are, yet they're not in high school anymore.. but anyways, they've always wanted us to grow up together and that's what we did!

"heyy love!" i said to robin and i hugged her tightly. "hey man how you doing?.." i could hear steve talking to eddie as he brought him in for a hug.
"hey man! i'm doing well.. uh. it's really good to see you, honestly." eddie said with a crack in his voice.

"yeah you to!.. how's the neck?" steve made, saying as a joke, as he pointed to his neck.
"funny" eddie said as he laughed with steve. "hey babe, you can pick out a movie!" eddie said as he yelled over at me.

"okay love! cmonnn robin! help me pick out a movie!" i said as steve and eddie talked about their injuries and how it was crazy fighting, meanwhile me and robin went over to the horror movies.
"so! fill me in! are you and eddie official now???" robin said as she smirked.

"girl i- yes. we have been for almost 4 months!" i said as i giggled. robins jaw dropped. "and you didn't tell me?!?!" robin said in a mean voice as she laughed. "well you know; i've been fighting monsters. oh and hey, thanks for coming with me and everyone else to that fight thing with eddie." i said as i continued picking a movie for me and eddie to watch.

"it's not problem; eddie never deserved what happened to him, and he's a pretty cool dude! he better treat you right." robin said in a stern voice. "oh trust me, he does" i said as i laughed.

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