Ballet and the beasts

Start from the beginning


"Okay, I think we lost them." Dawn says. "Dawn, relax. They weren't following us." Mae says. "Don't kid yourself Mae. They followed me out of the womb, and they have t stopped since." "You made us ride in my moms trunk. I think we're good." "You're right. This is a no-bro zone. So... let's ballet it up!" Dawn says. "We don't really say that." Mae says. "Wow, that girl could bite her toenails." "Oh, that's Eiffel. She's the best in the class. She was the ballerina in that really funny toilet paper commercial." "Oh, the butt-cracker?" "Yeah!" "Sweet!" "Alright, let me try." Dawn says picking her leg up. "Wow, impressive." Eiffel said. "Thanks no biggie." "You did it!" You and Mae say in unison. "I know. I think I'm a natural. Only one problem. I can't get my leg down." "What?" "My leg is stuck. Help me, help me, help me, help me!" Dawn says. "Okay." You and Mae said trying to help her trying to look like thats what you were not doing as Eiffel passes by. "Help me, help me, help me, help me! Help me, help me, help me!"


"Hello? Ickys? Ickys? " Mae looks around and sighs. "Coast is clear." Mae says as you walk in with dawn behind you who's still holding her leg. "Thanks for bringing us home, Mae, and helping me change, and scratching that itch." "Dawn, it's been stuck like that for four hours. I think you should see a doctor." Mae says as you nod in agreement. "I'm fine, Mae." "Ugh, I feel so bad. You didn't even want to go to ballet." "No, I loved it. I thought it would be boring but it was totally fun. The boys not being there was just a bonus." "Okay, well, see you both tomorrow." Mae says setting dawns bag down walking out. "High five?" "Oh." They high five with dawns foot. You help dawn hop in and close the door behind you. Dawn test her leg on the door. "Hey, dawn and y/n." Ricky says surprising you and dawn as you jump turning around. "Oh!" "Where you been?" Nicky asked. "Yeah, last time we saw you two, you guys brought us all warm milk." Ricky says. "And then when we woke up, you two were gone." Dicky explains. "Uh." You stand there not knowing what to say. "Oh, we'll, that milk knocked you guys right out, and we didn't know what to do. So we wondered down here. Now we're gonna wonder back upstairs and I'm gonna take a shower." "Yeah, I'm gonna take one after dawn." You say helping dawn. "Excuse me."


"Don't bend your elbows. Unclench your fists. Good." Eiffel tells Dawn. "Do I look like you now?" Dawn asked. "I said good, not butt-cracker good." "Dint worry; I've been here six months, and I'm still not 'butt-cracker good'." Mae said. "I love ballet." Dawn says. You noticed the boys. "Oh no." You said and you can tell Dawn noticed them too. "What?" Dawn asked as they waved at you two as you both wave back and turn to Mae. "Can you believe it Mae? They're here. They can't even go two hours without us." "It looks like they want to come in." Mae says. "Please, don't. No!" "You need to go." You mouthed. "We're gonna go out there and get rid of them." Dawn says as you both twirl to the door. "What are you guys doing here?" You and Dawn asked in unison. "You know what we're here. We all know why we're here." Nicky says. "Yeah, we know why you're here, but I'm pretty sure you can't be here. You know I'm pretty sure the teachers not gonna want you here." Dawn said. "Wait, you boys wan to join the class?" The teacher asked them as she walked out. "Of course. If our sister and our friends here, then we are too." Nicky says. "Fantastic. I'll get you set up." The boys follow her in. "But—— but no, they really don't want——" "this is just great." You say as you and dawn call yourselves down. "Aren't you glad these boys are here?" Eiffel asked you and dawn. "Now I can finally showcase my true abilities. Hold my waist." She said as Ricky goes and so does dicky. "She was talking to me. I'm Dicky." He said. "I'm Eiffel." She responds. "Don't sell yourself short. You're two eyefuls." They go and dance and everyone applauded them as they bowed. "You can thank us later." Nicky says to you two. "I told you we should've ridden in your moms trunk again. But no, you had to have a seatbelt." Dawn was scolding Mae as you looked over seeing Nicky and Ricky introducing themselves to the the girls shaking their hands.

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