Bunny Boy - Part 1

Start from the beginning

He fell to his knees, bringing his hands to his face to sob. No one was coming. No one would find him here. Was he dead? Was this hell? Was he ever going to see the hermits again? Did they even realize he was missing? Did they even care!?

At this point, he hoped that he was dead. Because if that were the case, the hermits wouldn't have forgotten about him. They wouldn't have left him here to rot, because then this would be hell, and there was no way to escape or save him.

Mumbo gave himself time to sob, crying to himself in the bedroom, with the curtains shut to block out sun's invading light. He was lost, destined to never see his friends ever again, and he wasn't even sure why. This place had no place in his mind, nor was it familiar to the Brit. It was a neighborhood and a highschool, nothing else. Nothing special or important to his life, simply a school that he had never seen before. If this truly was hell, then what kind of hell was it?

A couple more weeks managed to pass. Then a few more. Mumbo lost track of it all long ago. It was meaningless to try and stay sane in a place that was meant to break you. It had been a while since he last got out of bed. Far too long, truthfully. Mumbo honestly couldn't care less, though the walls began to feel like they were closing in on him. He was probably going crazy.

Eventually, Mumbo relented, pulling himself out from the safety of his bed. He needed some fresh air, desperately. Dragging his feet as he walked, Mumbo stumbled down the hallway with his legs shaking due to lack of use. He reached the front door of the house, pushing through it with ease.

The outside world seemed the same as always. Not a cloud in the sky, a gray atmosphere, along with a dreary feeling that hung over every aspect of his surroundings. The sun remained in its place, it hadn't moved since Mumbo first arrived. It was almost like he was stuck in an infinite loop, a perpetual state of being unable to move forwards or back.

He hated this hell.

Mumbo wanted to break down and cry, right there and then. He couldn't hold anything back. It was all breaking lose. The redstoner fell to his knees, his hands desperately clutching at his hair. He wanted to scream, to scream till his lungs burned, till his throat became raw. Yet what was the point of screaming?

No one could hear him.

Or, so he had thought.

There was something he spotted, for a very brief moment at least, in the corner of his eye. It was blurry from his tears, but it moved. It was something real. It was something alive.

Mumbo felt the tears come to a halt, his head jerking towards the source of movement.

It was a bunny. A little fluffy bunny with fur as white as snow.

He and the animal stared at each other for a moment. Then another. And another. Mumbo just watched, barely breathing as he sat still. The rabbit continued to watch him back, tilting its head curiously.

"Are you really here? Is this real?" Mumbo muttered softly, his eyes wide. He slowly rose to his feet, completely focused on the bunny.

For such a small creature, it had somehow managed to look intimidating. Its ears flattened against its fluffy skull, making its movements almost seem robotic. As if it had no emotion. Slowly, the rabbit padded closer to him, stopping several feet away. It cocked its head, its large eyes staring directly at Mumbo with curiosity.

Then Mumbo blinked, and the rabbit was gone. In its place now stood a man, as if the rabbit had transformed into the human within the moment that his eyes were closed. He wore a tan suit with a red tie, similar to some kind of uniform. His jeans were pale and ripped from the wear over the years. Though by far the most noticeable feature was his hat, a white beanie with fluffy bunny ears.

Mumbo didn't question it. His grin spread across his face, wider than it had in a long time. "A-Another person! Oh my goodness!" He exclaimed with pure joy.

"I didn't think I'd see anyone here." The man with the rabbit ears said, holding no tone as he spoke. "Guess G wanted to get rid of you too."

"G? Y-you mean Grian? Do you know him?!"

"Oh man." The man laughed a little, "You're in for a hell of a time here pal. The name is Sam, glad to see you haven't completed your cracked yet."

"I was starting to." Mumbo admitted.

"Well then, you might wanna get yourself a beer or something." Sam shrugged, flicking his wrist. As if he were magic, a bottle of some kind of alcohol appeared in his hand. "Come on, let's go to the school roof. We can talk there."

They sat on the ledge, both holding a drink. Mumbo was never good with alcohol, taking the occasional sip or too, while Sam seemed to be downing a few bottles with ease. "So you've been here for how long?" The redstoner asked, squeezing the glass of the bottle.

"Years, probably. Once I realize Grian wasn't coming back I gave up."

"I'm going to need a couple explanations." The taller man said while shaking his head. "I've never heard Grian mention someone by the name of Sam. And what is this place anyway? Are you magic? I-I mean, you turned yourself into a rabbit, you can summon stuff, it's rather intriguing!"

"First off—" Sam set down his beer. "—Grian probably wants to forget about me. Let's just say he and I had a bit of a falling out. This place is what I'd like to call a personal prison. I thought it was just for me, but now you're here, so that theory must be wrong."

"And what about you being magic?" Mumbo raised an eyebrow, bringing the bottle to his lips for another swig of alcohol.

Sam let out a mix between a scoff and a chuckle. "I wish. Then maybe I could get out of here. But no, my guess is Grian wanted to be somewhat humane while making this place. You can basically do anything."

"And out of everything you could have done, you chose to become a bunny?"

"Just when I realized someone else was here with me. Didn't wanna get caught by Grian." Sam rolled his eyes, setting down the third empty bottle. "Geez, I wish alcohol worked here. But time doesn't exactly move, so you can't exactly get drunk."

Mumbo thought for a moment or two. "Wait, you said Grian made this place?"

"Yep. A special little gift for me. To keep me from ever finding him and Taurtis."


Sam looked at Mumbo as if he had three heads. "Taurtis? Y'know, Grian's best friend? They're practically attached at the hip.

"But..I'm Grian's best friend." Mumbo blinked, "I've never even heard of Taurtis before now."

"Maybe you're not really friends. I mean, he sent you here for how long? Doesn't seem like he's working that hard to find you."

Mumbo stayed quiet, attempting to process all this information that had suddenly been dumped upon him. "I-I don't get it. What did I do?"

"Probably nothing." Sam muttered, "It's Grian that's the problem. He's the one who banished us here. He's the one who ruined our lives."

They sat there for a little while longer. It could have been an hour or two, but who knows. Mumbo was too wrapped up in his own thoughts to even notice the passing of time.

Why would Grian have sent him here?

What did he do to deserve his fate?

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