Chapter 9

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I pay attention to the little things, 

because they tell me a lot 

about the big things.

Three Months Later

True to their word Kamari and Lorenzo are trying to make their new marriage work. The first few weeks weren't easy as they moved in together a few days after their trip to Hawaii.

Both loved to live in a clean environment but when it came to things like organization, communication, things were tough. Especially when Kamari's ex-fiancé, Isaiah tried getting in contact with her.

He showed up at her home, work and even tried tracking her down at her families house. When he did that Karter and Kaden stepped in and gave him a beating along with a warning to stay away from her.

That didn't stop him as he still to this day kept trying to call her and when Lorenzo found out he was furious. He was even more angry to find out that Kamari hadn't told him and that's where their issue with communication came into play.

Where Lorenzo was used to shutting down and not expressing his feelings, his new wife was the complete opposite. She liked to take a minute to cool off and then try and talk things out. That was easier said than done when dealing with a man who didn't like to express what he was feeling.

Kamari quickly noted that when they entered the real world that Lorenzo was a different type of man.

He was what people might call a dominant Alpha Male who definitely knew what he wanted. He was used to people doing what he said without question yet his little wife wasn't all that submissive. There were times she's d shy away and do as asked but other times she herself was a force to be reckoned with.

Don't get her started when it comes to men looking at her. When he introduced her to the section heads of the mafia he was upset those men were staring at her too long. He was so mad that he even decided to stake his claim by grabbing her by the back of her neck and kissing her in front of everyone.

It wasn't just any kiss. It was the type of kiss that made your knees go week.

"What is the matter with you, you big oaf."

"They needed to know that you are mine." He simply stated.

"Oh I'm sorry master I didn't know I was an object that needed to be claimed. Matter a fact, I didn't know we were mammals in the jungle that mate publicly for other's to know that we are mates. Would you like to mate me in front of your men so they get the full picture?"

Although his face was stoic, he got a mischievous gleam in his eye. "Don't tempt me Bambina." Leaning down right arm snaked around her waist while the other claimed her neck.

"I will take you in front of these men to remind them who I am and who you are to me."

Kamari kept her mouth shut at that and knew to never tempt him in public again.

Speaking of meeting, they met each other's family at last, and then had the opportunity to introduce their families to one another.

At first Lorenzo's mother refused to accept the marriage because by tradition, Kamari would have needed to have ties to the underworld and have a dowry per say. She would have also need to have been handpicked by Maria Lombardi herself in order to be properly trained and prepped for entering into the family.

Maria was none too pleased to find out that this tradition has been broken and to learn that Lorenzo wasn't going to break the marriage. It took her a minute but she slowly started to accept Kamari despite her resignations. She even began to grow close to Kamari's mother and her sister Jocelyn, Elle's and Alexis's mother, and they hung out all the time.

Kamari wasn't sure if that was a blessing or a curse yet.

As for the rest of the family they took to her like flies attracted to honey. The men all adored her and had developed a deep bond with her. Her family actually took to Lorenzo as well, they had their own reservations at first but they eventually grew to love him for their Kamari.

It also turned out that Kamari is actually close to Lorenzo's sister, Alessia Lombardi. She was supposed to join the girls on the trip but stayed behind due legal troubles with one of the businesses she ran for the family. Alessia had no dealings with the underworld but she id have a hand in the legit businesses.

Lorenzo and Kamari took the past few months to get to know each other and although they couldn't say for sure they were in love; they had definitely developed a close bond. Brianna liked to say that they were in a "boyfriend and girlfriend stage"

"That's good you know?" Bri sad one day she and Kamari were out getting groceries. Kamari had just moved in with Lorenzo and Brianna with Rico. They had decided to pursue a relationship with one another.

"How is this good exactly?"

Brianna stopped her basket and turned towards Kamari with a serious look. "It means that you guys are working out for the better. Despite how you came together, your good for one another."

That struck Kamari hard. It's true that they came together in an unrealistic way but the relationship they were developing as a result was a blessing.

Another blessing was the fact that Lorenzo along with his brothers all had homes in California so that meant she didn't have to move away from her family. They had moved into his home near Laguna Beach, a semi secluded area surrounded by members in his familia for protection and convenience.

When Lorenzo and Kamari weren't together Kamari was working at the family business while Lorenzo juggling the family's legit businesses, underground business and figuring out who was targeting Kamari. Although he informed her of what was going on, he decided to leave out the part where it could be someone close to her, real close. But Kamari wasn't worried as she believed that it was someone random who maybe wanted to take advantage of her. A part of her knew that to not be true but she still ignored it and chose to move on with her life.

Life for Kamari seemed to be some type of unrealistic work of art. In just a couple of months everything changed and she didn't know if it was for better or worse.

The time on the clock read that it was only 11pm. Lorenzo had been working late and that had her a bit worried. Although she believed that Lorenzo wouldn't cheat on her she still couldn't help but to feel paranoid.

She barely had time to heal from her previous relationship when she jumped into another one that seemed to be moving as fast as a bullet train. He did his best to reassure her that he would never do that yet he understood that it was going to take time to gain that trust completely.

Feeling her eyes start to droop she grabbed her phone off of the night stand next to her and sent a quick text to Lorenzo letting him know that she was going to bed.

Kami: Hey, I'm going to bed. See you in the morning?

Renzo: Shit! Sorry babe I meant to tell you to not wait up.

Renzo: Go ahead and get some rest bambina I'll be home soon.

Renzo: I'll be there in the morning.

Kami smiled at his texts. Lorenzo maybe a stoic man to the outside world but as she got to know him more and more she realized he was a teddy bear to those he cared for.

More so for her as the days went by.

Turning over she put her phone on the stand then got in a comfortable position to sleep.

Author's Note:

So there is a reason for this time skip filler chapter and you guys will understand why in the next view chapter's.

Any thoughts on the chapter's quote? It's one of my favorites so far but like the chapter there is a reason for it. The next two chapters are coming today but I warn you now chapter 10 is a trigger warning so please be warned.

Don't forget to comment and vote 🥰

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