Chapter 3

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"Ladies, meet Rico. Rico meet my best friends; Ella, Keisha, Alexis, Diamond, Heather, Brooke and Kamari." As their names were called, they waived and said a small hello.

As everyone introduced themselves, she took that time to admire each man.

The man to the far right of her had blonde hair that was pulled into a man bun on top of his head with blue eyes. He was tall and well built, not too bulky but neither lanky with boyish features. His eyes danced with mirth but it she could tell that he was very much aware of his surroundings. Though he looked like a bulky frat boy, she could tell he was anything but with the serpent tattoo peaking from his shoulder blades onto his neck.

The one sitting next to him was a bit bulkier, he had a lot of muscle on him. Well-built with brown, almost hazel eyes that danced with danger. He too scanned the area around him occasionally, alert to everyone and everything around him. There was a little stubble on his chin and she could see the tattoos peeking from the collar of his white dress shirt. His brown curly hair sat like a mop on top of his head with bangs framing his eyes. His name was Matteo. She could see mutual interest between him and Ella as they introduced themselves. Interesting.

All six men looked to be over feet, tan sin (except Leo who was paler by comparison). Wearing similar outfits, they wore black slacks with black dress shoes. Ricardo and Marco wore matching red dress shirts, Rico wore a white dress shirt, Matteo and Leo wore gray dress shirts while Lorenzo wore all black. You could see that all of them had tattoos, wore similar rings but there was one ring in particular that caught her eye. Each man wore a snake eating its tail on their pink finger.

Suddenly she felt eyes on her, it was Lorenzo. His green orbs were staring to the deepest depths of her soul. For a moment it was as if it was just the two of them. He smirked at her as if he found something to which Kamari become annoyed. Cocky much? Wait a minute

Kam realized she'd seen him before and as he stared at her she realized that he knew she knew she recognized him. His smirk seemed to only become more devious and sinister at that. She glared at him with annoyance.

A clearing of a throat caught her off guard. Looking up she realized that the girls were all seated and everyone was glancing at her and Lorenzo.

"I'm guessing you to have met before...?" came from Rico who had his arm around Bri. He was smirking at the two knowing full well that they knew each other.

"If you mean that this is the giant decided that nearly pummeled me to the ground then yes I know him."

"Now, now Bambina, this giant kindly caught you, your welcome by the way, despite the fact that you clearly ran into me. I didn't even get a thank you."

"Funny, maybe if you weren't such an asshole the first time, I could properly thank you for maybe watching your step the next time you decide to take your watch dogs out for walk, yeah?"

Everyone burst out laughing but Lorenzo and Kamari were locked in a staring match. It was then that she noticed that the only available seat was next to him. Begrudgingly she headed towards the couch he was seated at as everyone smirked at her. She sat down and watched as she turned to her with a devious smirk on her face.

Great, just my luck. She thought.


Lorenzo couldn't but stare at the chocolate beauty before him. He hungrily took her in. Long voluptuous curly hair framed a childlike face with the deepest dimples he'd ever seen. He could see that she was on the thicker side with a pudgy stomach. A nice set of breasts on her yet not so much going on in the back.

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