Chpater 9

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"Ruby is such a mean human being!"

"Its okay anne, ill just stay away from gilbert, i dont want no harm."

"Y/n, shes taking gilbert from you, she cant do that."

I sighed.

As we are walking weve reached diana's house, its like a mansion!.

"Oh anne, whos house is this?"

"Its diana's."

"Its so big."

We knocked at a door and a maid answered.

"Who is it?"

"Anne and y/n."

Anne said.

"Okay wait a minute!"

Diana was there at her room waiting for us.

We hugged each other.

"Hello y/n, you said that you want to travel and learn flower right?"


"Okay here, this is a flower book."

"Wow!, thank you diana!, ill give it back to you as soon i-"

"No, its alright you can have it, no one would read it here, except me."

"Oh diana, thank you!"

We hugged each other.

As we talked and talked, diana said that there would be a party!

"You both are invited!"

We all chuckled.

When i saw, its already night.

"Anne, lets go home, marilla would be worried."

"Oh yes!, goodbge diana, see you tomorrow!"

"Bye!" I said.

As we go home, i bumped to someone.

"Oh im sos sorry-"

"Oh hello y/n!"

I ignored him and anne said.

"Im sorry gilbert but we really need to go home."

"Oh alright. Bye!"

Gilbert lifted his eyebrows in confusion.

As we walked away, i have a frown on my face.

"Anne, what should i do? He is the first friend i have..."

"Well lets just ignore him for a couple of days and..."

We got home, and i started to think and think.

"This ruby girl is such mean."

I slept.

The Journeyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن