Chapter 11

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I woke up got dressed and went to anne's bedroom.

"Hey anne, good morning!, can i come with you?"

"Sure!, wait for me downstairs"

I got down.

"So, y/n how are you?, feel dizzy?"

"Im alright marilla, thank you for asking!"

Anne got down and we left.

"Oh anne, i forgot i got to see ruby..."

"Its okay, im here"

As we got to tge school, ruby was furious, i was scared. But gilbert came to me.

"Hey y/n, feel alright?"

"Yes, im wearing the necklace right now."

"Thats great, im wondering if you want to got out later...?" He said with his eyebrow up.

"Oh sure! Why not?"

The bell rang and gilbert went in.

As i got into the forest, i saw the same lady from that day...

"Hey miss!" I shouted


"Will you want to have tea with me? I just want to ask questions...if your not busy?"

"Right now? Sure."

As we got into the cafe, i felt uncomfortable.

"Well what is ypu question?"

"You really look like me and i feel uncomfortable, because of thinking and thinking and we have the same name, so?"

"Oh dear we have the same name but that doesnt mean anything..."

"Im so sorry for disturbing you"

I got up and as i was going out, miss maybell shouted.

"Wait!...i have to tell you something, this may be crazy but, i am your mother..."

My heart stopped for a second and i was in shock.


"Yes dear, i cant take it anymore, im so sorry if i left you in that fire..."

"Left me? I thought you were buying food..."

"No, im so sorry, i was in shock and i didnt know what to do, your father dead." She said in tears.

I sat down and said "so you left me, and that it?" I said tearing up "why would you leave me, i was baby!"

"Yes, its alright dont cry."

"Dont touch me" i said with anger. I left the cafe and went home.

"Oh there you are y/n, i thought you were kidnapped"

I got upstairs, running and crying, wiping my tears out.

"Y/n-" anne said.

I closed the door and slip down the floor, crying.

She left me.

As i saw the clock, i forgot about gilbert, but u still stayed at home.

As i was crying i noticed that i was falling a sleep.

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