Chapter 5 (Part 2)

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*in the morning*

Marilla woke me up.

"Y/n, heres a letter for you"

"Oh thank you miss- marilla..."

"Well okay then, clean up, we are going to eat breakfast."


I opened the letter but i am not fully waked up.

"Oh!, its from father!"

Marilla called me, so i put the letter in my desk.

"Wait a minute!"

I was in a hurry, then i got down and we ate breakfast after that, i came back in my bedroom, with excitement ready to read the letter.

"Oh father!"

As i was in the middle of the letter, i froze, the letter fell on the ground and i was in shock.


Marilla and matthew and anne came to me and i was in tears, i cried and cried.

"This is why i dont want to leave you father"

I said with anger.

"Oh y/n, im so sorry, he'll be okay, just wrote back, like nothing happened but leave a little not about the disease"

"Oh marilla!"

I cried.

"I just wanna be alone please"

They all left and i closed anf lay on the bed, thinking with tears.

*in your mind*

*father, this is why i don't want to leave you!, i hate being without you*

You sat and wipe your tears.

"I will write back to father"

I wrote and wrote as i noticed i already did 3 pages, oh i love my dad.

Anne asked me if i was oaky and i said yes, she asked again if i wanted a tour.

"Y/n do you want a tour, its okay if not, i understand"

"Oh anne, yes of course, im free as always im just a little upset thats all"

I took and changed, anne was waiting for me, she was excited i might say.

"Come on!"

"Anne!, dont rush y/n."

"Its okay marilla you dont need to shout"

We left and i learned a few more flowers, anne was very smart, she helped me with anything i know, as we road along...

"We reached the school!"

As we came in all of the people looked at me.

I was nervous, very.

Amne showed me to her friends and as i greeted them, gilbert came in.

"Oh hello girls, hello

"Oh youve already met my enemy..."

"Oh your enemy?"

I was confused

They all laughed but i feel awkward.

Gilbert took my hand and pulled me away, we were outside.

"Well well its my first friend."

"Well well too"

His eyebrows lifted

"I guess anne gave you a tour, ccan i tour you later?"

His eyes widened

"Well i dont know, anne was the first one to tour me but sure"

"Well ill ask anne"


Anne shoted at us

They were stalking us!

"Hey!, dont stalk!"

"Were sorry!!"

The girls giggled.

"Well what time later gilbert?"

"I guess after school?"

"Yeah okay"

I walked away with a smirk. WHAT?!, GILBERT, EW?!.

Gilbert snatched my hanf and gave me this little flower for my diary.

I said thank you.

I went back home and wrote on my diary what happened today.

To be continued...

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