Chapter 17 (France)

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I went back to my bedroom, falling asleep

*In the morning*
I woke up, got downstairs, ate breakfast and changed.

I need a new notebook because the one i had is already filled up.

"Marilla, ill get going!"

"Wait y/n, here some snacks for your trip!"

"Well thank you marilla."

I left and as i was walking, gilbert came up to me, feeling nervous as my point of view.

"Hey um-" he said


"I need to talk to you, really." He sound serious so i agreed.

"Well what do want to talk about?"

"Im going to france, paris, specifically."

"Wait- What?!"

"Yes. The proposal that mr. Gillis approved, is from france..."

Were both quiet for a second.

"Well, go- good for you!" I chuckled of nervousness.

"So..." i said

"So..." he said

He was looking directly at me but i was looking around.

"Y/n, i love you"


"I. Love. You."


"Well hello you two!"
Someone interrupted.

We both looked at her

"Mom?! What are you doing here?"

"Well i thought ill stop by, look around."

"Hello ms...?"

"Maybell" they shaked hands

Oh my god, my mom and my someone, gilbert, is hsaking hands?!

"Mom..." i chuckled of emberrassment

"Come with me, wait for me gilbert"

"Mom, ill be straight to you, im talking to someone important right now, and the talking made me shock to my very core, so ill talk to you later, cafe?"

"Well, okay, sure, cafe's nice, 4?"

"Yes sure 4's fine, bye!"

I walked to gilbert.
I can't take it, i kissed him, in the lips, for the 3rd time.

He touched my waist, tightly. I grabbed his jaw.

Please dont pull away gilbert.

He pulled away.

"Gilbert, please dont go."



"I cant."

"Why...just for me, sebastian right?, oh"


"Im sorry, i didnt remember, im such an idiot" i sighed.


"This. Your dream becoming a doctor, i will never stop you, im sorry"

"Y/n, im sorry, i shouldn't have fall inlove with you on the first place."

"So your regretting loving me?, your regretting our kiss?"

"No...well yes, i regret the i kissed you but love you, i will never regret."

"But why?"

"I shouldn't have kissed or confessed myself, at the end your going to get hurt."


"Yes, y/n i need to go, im so sorry, i love you, ill see you later."
He walked away.

I was just there standing, shocked, i shouldn't have fallen inlove with you gilbert blythe.

I sat down, in the grass, beside the tree, i forgot that i needed a notebook. I got up and went to a nearby store.

I looked at the notebook section, and found the one, i bought it and ill go into my mothers house, which is nearby too, im in her doorstep. I knocked and she opened the door.

"Hey, come in!"

I came in. If a regretful face.

"What's the face?"

"Oh nothing" i smiled forcefully.

"Oh come on, i know somwthing bothering you, isn't it that boy, huh?"


"Hm?, i know its him come on lets talk"

We both sat down and i told her everything about us. Gilbert.

"So that all..."

"Y/n, thats love."

"You really think?"

"Yup, i know it is. If you love someone and he/she loves you too, never let him/her go."

"Ill do that."

"Can i ask you something?"

"Yes, sure"

"Whens his departure?"

"I dont know..."

"You have to ask, y/n."

"Yes. Yes."

"So is that all?, you can stay for the night, ill send notice to your guardian."

"No its okay mother, its not that far."

"Its already night y/n, you'll stay."

"Well okay."

She gave me a nightgown, and im in her guest room, it was big, really big, so many books, i want to get some. Ill ask her tomorrow.

The bed is soft, and i already fell asleep.

The JourneyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora