How would the others react if they found out I lied?

Of course, they would be more suspicious of me. But I wonder, would any of them try to figure out why?

My sister, Hyunki, and Silas would definitely ask some questions. But I think the rest would just suspect me without even trying to know why I lied.

Though, I couldn't tell the truth. It would only make me look more suspicious. I can't have that happen.

"Two caramel frappes for Boeun?"

"That's us," Boeun said, sliding out of the seat in the booth in front of me. "I'll go get them."

"Thanks," I gave her a small smile and she left.

Yes, I lied about not knowing where Boeun was. I texted Kagome the second I left that I was going to take some time for myself, which she luckily said was fine. That she got it.

Boeun left two minutes before me. Before that, we both discussed that we'd meet at the cafe nearby. We both left the school at different times to avoid suspicious and so that my lie would work

"Here," she said, placing a cup down in front of me.

"Thanks," I said, taking a sip.

"So," she said sitting down. She drummed her fingers on her cup, not yet taking a sip. "Why'd you bully them?"

"I didn't bully them," I started and she raised her brow. "It's just that, I asked them if I could go to their house. They said that they don't have any parents. So I didn't push. A few months back, I found out that Hyemin threatened my sister for no reason so I said I'd kill her family."

"Holy shit," she said, holding my hand. "It's okay. Do you think they'd be that mad at you?"

I shrugged. "Maybe, maybe not."


She sat back in her chair and we sat there drinking our coffees. I realized I'd never told her what I'd intended to.

"I need to tell you something." I spilled out.

"What is it?" She asked, slowly.

"I know Yulan's secret."

Her eyes widened and she placed her drink down. "Did you-"

"NO!" I yelled at her. She flinched and a few people looked at me and I sat down. "No, I didn't send the emails."

"I'll believe you," she narrowed her eyes. "So, what's her secret?"

I motioned her to come closer and she did. Once she was closer to me I whispered as quietly as I could. I tried to make it as brief as I could.

"I see," she said when we pulled away. "What's your secret?"

I couldn't say it here, someone might overhear. So, I pulled out my phone and started typing out my secret. When I open the document, I can't bring myself to type. I know I'm not perfect, but what I did was a crime. A big one since someone died and didn't get justice because of this. I know my girlfriend did something horrible too, but I don't want her to think I'm a terrible person.

Finally, I gathered the courage to type it out. It's not long, but it was stressful to type. After I finish typing, I hand her the phone. She hesitates to hold it too.

After holding it in her hand she holds my hand and gives me a sad smile. "No matter what you did, I promise I won't break up with you." Then she reads it.

It takes her 5 seconds to read it and after she does she laughs a little.

"I think, if the Creator exposes us to the police, you'll be in the least trouble out of all of us."

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