32. There's the Princess (P)

Start from the beginning

The first place I went was the lake spot. I knew that someone else would have found her there before me, but I wanted to check anyway. I left the door open and ran to where she normally would sit. She wasn't there. I ran down the sand, just to make sure that she hadn't moved.

I got back in the truck and called Mom as I drove away.

"She wasn't at the lake," I said before she could get a word out.

I was in panic mode. Even though I ignored her scars, I knew they were there. That couldn't happen again. We never talked about it because anytime I would start, she would shut down. I knew that she had spent time in a facility a couple months after everything happened. I needed to find her before she hurt herself. If she wasn't at the lake spot, where would she go?!?

I ran through my brain thinking of all the places that held significance to her. It was a Thursday. What did she like to do on Thursdays?

"Ice cream!" I shouted out loud to myself.

I wasn't sure what ice cream place they used to get ice cream. Sighing, I pulled out my phone and called Sav.

"What do you want?" she asked rudely.

"Where did Taylen and Isaiah used to get ice cream?" I asked, straight to the point.

Her huff came through the phone. I was so fed up with her. She required a serious attitude adjustment.

"They got it at Baskin Robins but then they'd go to the park and eat it."


I hung up and drove a little over the speed limit to get there quickly. By a little, I mean 75 in a 55. I was just getting into town when the red and blue lights flashed behind me.

"Shit," I whispered to myself.

I checked my mirrors and pulled over to the shoulder. The police officer followed. My eyes started to tear up as I rolled my window down. Taylen could be hurt and my parents were going to be so mad.

"Kid, are you aware that you were going 20 miles per hour above the speed limit?"

"Yes sir," I replied honestly.

"License and registration, please," the policeman requested with a sigh.

"In my glove box and wallet," I informed him before reaching over to get it out.

I handed him my license and proof of insurance and he took them to his car. I stared at him through my mirror, willing him to hurry up. I picked up my phone and called Mom. I decided it was best to tell her now than to wait until later.


"What, baby? Did you find her?"

"No ma'am. I got pulled over. I think I might know where she is."

"Why'd you get pulled over?" she asked.

"I was speeding," I mumbled.

"What was that?" she asked with attitude.

"I was speeding," I said more clearly.

"How much?"

"75 in a 55."

"Peter Grayson!"

"I know. I'm sorry."

"We will talk about this when you get home," she said decidedly.

"Yes ma'am."

"I'm glad you are respectful with your mom."

I jumped. Somehow, Officer Blake had snuck up on me. He was standing at the window with my things in his hands.

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