third party (10)

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Finally after making a reputation on the first and second floor Mrs.Bakugou thought it was time to move bakugou up to the third floor.

The moment he walked in through the elevator doors, people recognized him. The room was mostly filled with older people and they weren't afraid to be caught staring no one froze up they just gave bakugou the quiet treatment and a couple of people could be seen taking a drink of their glass and eyeing him like predators.

Bakugou didn't react either he walked in as if nothing was wrong kirishima Mina and Denki right behind him except they walked a different way.

Bakugou wasn't wearing the goat mask anymore since it's been a few days, and instead he was wearing a fox mask that revealed his mouth but still covered the upper part of his face and eyes.

Bakugou wasn't wearing the goat mask anymore since it's been a few days, and instead he was wearing a fox mask that revealed his mouth but still covered the upper part of his face and eyes

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The crowd was able to recognize him by his hair they've seen pictures of him through local media coverage because he was growing quite the reputation. And seeing his mouth a few people found him extra attractive and were just straight up staring.

Bakugou walked to the table that he was stationed at, no one approached right away but soon some people sat down at the table and picked a game bakugou recognized them very quickly it wasn't all of them but the people seated with him where some of the people he had sat with the first time he played at the casino.

They were a strange group who liked to be called nicknames Eraserhead, Midnight and all might.

"Is there a feild trip happening near by?"

They laughed at what he said they also recognized him right away from his hair and smile.

"Hahaha cheeky kid you almost got us we are just scouting the area beforehand"

"Scouting? Makes it seem like you plan to raid this place"

"Course not we just like to make sure we aren't befriending the wrong type of people"

Bakugou nodded and asked no further they went ahead with the game and of course they couldn't beat him if they couldn't before they wouldn't be able to now. They didn't seem bothered by it though they were just here to have fun.

"Have you been working here long young man?"

"no.. just got here"

"Do you enjoy it? This job does it treat employees well?"

Bakugou stared at him and sat back with his arms crossed.

"Yea it's pretty good pay is good and the food is good too"

He laughed at what bakugou said and agreed with the food. Bakugou smiled he knew the questions had to do with something the other two had said Earlier. But he wasn't too bothered by it.

They were the only table that was openly loud and very comfortable, to the audience they seemed untouchable and a group they shouldn't bother.

But a few of the audience members found it a bit annoying and they approached the group asking to have a turn. So finally after awhile midnight, all might and Eraserhead stepped out of the seats and observed the next rounds that bakugou played in they weren't as jolly just filled with tension and alot of glances mainly to bakugou.

Bakugou on the other hand just stared forward and payed attention to the game evey time he smiled the players poker faces faltered a bit so far every time he smiled it meant he had won already  bakugou laughed and commented that the food was very pleasing the table group looked at him annoyed he just messed with them.

Or did he? He won again. Bakugou had a fandom in the crowd his friends and the other three cheered and clapped every time he won.  The rest of the crowd just stared blankly.

That day ended quick and easy bakugou said his goodbyes to his three new friends he made and walked out of the floor with kirishima, Mina and Denki who congratulated him for another successful day.

The next day bakugou didn't see his friends but he was met with an even bigger crowd from yesterday people were finally taking notice of him and even paparazzi waited for him to enter the building on the first floor they took a lot of pictures of him and bakugou even bothered to stop and pose a few times and he smiled which made some people swoon over him despite not even being able to see his eyes and upper face you could tell he was good looking from his well Shaped jaw and lips and his canines that alot of people found really attractive.

He waved at them and then was pulled into the elevator by kirishima. Once in the elevator bakugou's smile faded right away another boring day but still he had fun everytime he saw the extras face become annoyed, sad and angry from losing at this point bakugou could easily guess how someone would react to him beating them. He was learning to read people, and he was getting really good at it.

At the end of the day bakugou was sent to his mother's office and he informed her of some more gossip he learned. And a few more employees who couldn't be loyal to the company they were fired very quickly.

"That's all I've learned recently also check my account I think there's more than enough to pay back the money you wasted on me"

Mrs.Bakugou paused he was talking about all the money that went to waste when he returned early but she never really thought it was wasted she loved her son so much despite it not being very visible and she smiled to bakugou.

"Haha Katsuki you know I don't need that your job for me has already made me richer in quality time just keep doing good at your job"

Bakugou blushed a bit and then became annoyed and got up to leave but of course he still said good bye to his mother and told her to say goodbye to his father for him.

Outside the building bakugou was stopped by reporters who had a few questions for him he still had his mask on he only took it off Infront of his mother and when he reached the safe haven of his house.

"Hello king sir we have a few questions for you it will only take a few minutes"

Bakugou shrugged
"Sure get on with it"

"How do you feel being known as the unbeatable host at blackcasino?"

Bakugou laughed
"It's nothing special they're all just bad at the game"

The reporter blushed and stuttered
"Can we know your thoughts on all the people you've played so far?"

"They sucked" bakugou flatly said and flipped the camera off

"Ha well there's a rumor that some very big people are planning to fly out and take a hand at you are you afraid of anyone who might be a bit difficult to handle?"

Bakugou was ticked off at what she said but still smiled
"I'm not afraid of anyone but sure there's a few who might be a bit of an annoyance but nothing serious, they can all come at me and I'll still crush them at some point"

"I see thank you for your time king sir"

Bakugou smirked and walked away. And somewhere a decent distance away a flat screen was turned on and the lady was still speaking.

"Well there we have it folks king himself spoke to us and thought of all his opponents so far as suckers despite already going against some of the top people of the game"

The tv was shut off and a bulky man with green hair got up and walked towards the window.

"Kacchan" was the only thing that rolled off his tongue at that very moment.


Woohoo!!!! He is here! Super late but he's here!! I suck at stories and maybe could have made his appearance sooner but I'm happy with how it is so far

Longest chapter so far aswell.

Tensions are risingggg

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