CH.0017 - Lily

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CH.0017 - Lily

"You bastard, you definitely pay for what did you to me. My house will destroy your house and I will kill you with my bare hands. And..."


Before he finished his sentence, Ezar kicked his chin and sent him to dreamland.

"I crippled your legs because you attacked me to cripple mines. But this kick was for the all rubbish you said to Nuna."

"Young master..."

Nuna came back with a bucket of water and couldn't help being surprised when she saw Bekro's legs.

She didn't surprise because of pitying Bekro or a potential war between houses.

No, she was surprised because her gentle young master was capable of cripple one's legs.

"It isn't a big deal, I just gave him some of his own medicine."

"But what if the House of Berserker retaliates against us?"

"Don't worry, I will deal with them before they have a chance. By the way, the water."

"It's here."

Nuna handed the water bucket to Ezar. After Ezar took the water bucket, he walked to the lackey one.

And he poured half of the water onto the face of lackey number one.

The first lackey woke up. And when he saw Ezar, he was scared nearly to death and tried to crawl backward with his hands while he was still sitting on his butt.

Without paying attention to him, Ezar walked to the second and woke him up with the remaining water in the bucket.

When the second lackey was about to talk, Ezar spoke first.

"Take your master with you and get lost from my house's territory."

When two lackeys looked at their master, they saw their master was lying on the ground with pair of crippled legs.

They quickly got up and ran to their master, regardless of the pain they felt. And when they reached Bekro first thing they did was check his pulse. No joke, if Bekro was killed, they would also be killed and buried with him.



Both of them sighed a relaxing breath after confirming that Bekro is alive. Now, they could question the culprit. If they couldn't give a good explanation to their house's leader, their punishment would be a heavy one nonetheless.

"You! What does this mean?"

"Do you want to declare war upon the House of Berserker?"

"How you dare to cripple the young master's legs? Do you know the consequences of what you have done?"

"Shut up!"

Ezar silenced them while he was releasing his bloodlust. Two of them gulped hardly while sweating coldly because of bloodlust.

"I said get lost. So, why are you here?"

The lackeys looked at each other and thought the same thing. They should retreat for now. Otherwise, this devil might kill them, or even worse he might kill their master.

The first lackey quickly piggybacked his master with the help of the second lackey. The second lackey was still having trouble breathing because of his broken ribcage.

When they were about to run to their House, Ezar stopped them.


They froze where they were when they heard Ezar.

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