Dark side

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Ash has been crying non-stop for hours in a room at the funeral home with sadness and anger rising up in him, all he could think off was killing the person behind it

"Mom....why....don't leave me....I swear I'm gonna kill whoever did this...I'll make sure he's gonna pay for what he did...."

He starts to punch the floor out of anger

'you're weak'

"What? Who said that" he looks around and no one was there

'you're pathetic'

"I swear I'm not in the mood for games right now"

'you're not strong enough, you're are never gonna be a...pokemon master'

'sooner or later your friends will leave you...'

"WHO ARE YOU" Ash shouts

'im you....' Ash looks at the wall mirror and sees himself with a sinister look

He stares at the mirror

'hello there'

"No you're not real" Ash shakes his head

'Oh I am very real let's just say I am your dark side'

"What do you want from me"

'oh I just want to help you, look what happened now you lost your mother, because you're weak you didn't even protect her'


'You're weak...you were always weak...you'll always be weak until you take control'

Ash just stands there while clenching his fists

'yes that's it....let anger take over you'

"But mother wouldn't want this would she?"

'Ash look what being positive brought you, you must release that anger and destroy anyone who comes in your path, show everyone you're strong... especially Lillie'


'You love Lillie don't you?, Imagine when you finally show everyone your true potential, use your hatred and anger as fuel to reach your fullest potential and when you're finally strong enough you can protect those who you love the most'


'then you're just a pathetic boy who thinks that thinking positive will solve everything, being on the light side of life will just tear you down and make you weak, you already lost our mom but...what if Lillie's next?'

"What...what do you mean"

'what if Lillie never saw you as a man, what if she decided that she'd rather be with that Elio'

Professor Oak's POV

I sit down in a couch in our funeral home while concerned for Ash

"Oh Delia, why did it have to be like this, I can sense Ash's sadness, he's in deep pain losing you, we miss you Delia" I try to hold back my tears

"Uhm here you go gramps your coffee" Gary sits beside me and hands me my coffee "you think Ash will be alright?"

"That- I don't know dear boy, it will probably take months for him to recover from this, losing someone that important must've taken a toll on him"

"Yeah and-" suddenly they were cut off when they heard shouting from Ash's room



'yes....use your anger Ash...with that you can finally be strong.... you can find the person whoever killed Delia.... you can kill him viciously....and you'll be able to protect everyone you love...'


'Jail isn't enough for you, you and I know that...deep down...all you want is blood and revenge...'

Ash's dark side has been messing with him, while Ash tries so hard to not fall into it, he knew doing something like that wasn't the right away but he's other side had that feeling of revenge

"Hey Ash is everything alright?" Oak knocks on the floor

"Hey buddy everything alright?" Gary also asks

"JUST SHUT UP" with his anger rising anger, he punched the wall mirror into pieces he widens his eyes in realization and sees professor oak standing at the door

'i'll be back Ash' and with that his dark side finally fades away while laughing

"Y-yeah I'm fine, alright" Ash replies

"Look I know losing your mother was uncalled for but we'll get through this, your mother always knew you were a strong person" Oak says and sees that there were shards of glass and blood on Ash's hands "c'mon now let's get that cleaned up"

Professor Oak leads Ash to the washroom to get this hands cleaned

'what a load of shit this has been' Ash thought

Back in Alola

Everyone was at the classroom minding their own business still feeling sympathetic for Ash after hearing the news, but Lillie was worried the most she's been staring at the distance for 30 minutes in a thinking phase

"*sigh* I wonder if Ash is okay" Lillie says while petting her Vulpix in her lap

"Vul?" Her Vulpix worries for her trainer

"You alright Lils?" Elio walks up to her and puts his hand on her shoulder "you've been thinking a lot and I'm getting worried for ya"

"Mhm" Lillie nods in reply "I'm just worried for Ash that's all"

That ticked Elio off a bit but needed to be in character 'course you Ash' Elio thought

"Ash is going through a lot right now but I'm sure he's going to be alright, he's the Alolan champion for crying out loud when he comes back I'm sure he'll be back to normal"

"Yeah I guess you're right" Lillie puts her hand on Elio's and smiles at him

"How about this, we go outing later so that you can get Ash off your mind for a while and enjoy your time here, sound good?" Elio smiles at her

"I...I guess I'd love that" Lillie replies and Elio sits beside her

Lillie was tired and decides to lay on Elio's shoulder

'take that Ash' Elio smiles evily while he looks at Lillie



A/N : yeah so hi I guess I'm back but I kinda trying to make another story idk where this fanfic will end but I just wanted to finish this current chapter and yeah

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