feels good to be back

704 13 2

Ash pov

Ladies and gentlemen we are now entering alola air space and we will be landing shortly and once again thanks for choosing latias airlines enjoy your trip at alola

I'm right right now sitting near the window thinking about the good memories I've made during my previous trip here, but one the memories I could not forget was the ones that I made with her, it sure was good times and I cannot wait too see her.

While looking at the window, the height of the plane started to go down and landed

After I collect my bag I went outside the airport, and then I saw a guy wearing a cap lab glasses and a lab coat and no shirt no and wearing

"hey ash its been a while welcome home"the guy said

"Thanks professor kukui it's sure has been a while and I'm so happy to be back in alola" I said

"Okay come on hop in" kukui said and I hopped on his car and he started driving to his house

15 minutes later

We finally arrived back in his house ,memories started flowing in me, and we are now entering the house,

I knock on the house and waited for someone to answer,and it opened, it was a women And it was professor burnet professor kukui's wife

"Ash it's great to see you again" p.burnet said and ran up to me and gave me a big hug

"Ah - prof-ss-or can't -bre-ath" I said while being hugged

"Oops sorry anyways how've you been we haven't seen each other in a while"p.burnet said

"I've been doing great thanks, anyway wheres lei"I said

"Oh he's inside playing with his toys,why don't you come in, we've prepared a room for you"p.burnet said

"Ok professor burnet"I said and went inside and went to my room and started unpacking my stuff and went to the living room and started talking to professor burnet and kukui on how my life's been since the last time we saw each other

"Ok anyways ash why don't you surprise your friends tomorrow at the pokemon school and start preparing for our surprise for the aether family for their return"kukui said

"Sure professor kukui and I can't wait to see them"

"Ok ash its starting to become time for  you to go to bed" professor burnet said

"Sure thing goodnight professor burnet and kukui"I said and started to go to my bed and laid down and started to go to sleep

"Tomorrow is going to be a blast"I thought to myself

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