Its been a long time

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30 minutes earlier before the Aether family arrived

"Hey is everything ready I just texted Hobbes, he said ther'ye already coming back here with them" Kukui announced to his students

Everyone in the house was preparing a welcome surprise for the Aether family when they arrive, from ash and kiawe hanging a banner that said 'Welcome back', Lana and Sophocles helping with the decorations and from Mallow making the food when they arrive

"And I guess that's it" Ash said as he was finishing tying up the banner

"Yeah and finally it's been so long we can finally come back together too" Kiawe said

"Hey guys watcha talking about" Mallow said as she just came from the kitchen

"Oh nothing much, just talking about Lillie when she comes back" Kiawe replied

"Yeah I'm excited too and we get to finally meet her Dad too" mallow said

"Hey guys" Lana and Sophocles decided to join in the conversation


'it's been awhile now since I was here I used to remember when i was helping Lillie with her fear of touching pokemon *chuckles* bonding with her does give me some memorable moments with her'

As the alolan gang we're having still ther'ye conversation I decided to roam around the mansion for a while, I haven't really explored this place so why not

"Hey guys imma go explore the place for a while" I told them

"Sure take care" they replied



as Ash decided to roam the mansion the alolans were still having they're conversation

"So do you think that HE is actually gonna come back" Kiawe asked

The group clearly knew what he was talking about

"Well I hope so, we can finally be back again" Sophocles said

"It sure would be great too, but I wonder what would happen if HIM and Lillie reunite again" Lana said

"*Squeals* OMA I used to remember when and HIM and Lillie used to be so close together" Mallow said with excitement

"Well I hope that HIM and Ash wouldn't start a rivalry when they see each other" Kukui said joining in the conversation

"Huh? What to do you mean professor" Kiawe asked in confusion

"Uhm, nevermind I'm gonna go get Ash while you guys get ready" Kukui said, leaving them

The alolans shrugged it off except for one clearly seeing what the professor meant


In the backyard of the mansion

As Ash was just staring off the distance, as he was still in his thoughts and admiring the view he was interrupted when a hand touched his shoulder, he looked at his side it was Kukui

"What are you doing here Ash?" Kukui asked

"Just admiring the view and just thinking"Ash replied as he shifted his gaze again in the distance where he could a bit off the ocean and a lot trees with pokemon just minding their own business

"Really thinking about what?" Kukui said but then smirked "thinking about Lillie"

Ash looked backed at him with a blush" huh no- I mean yes-no ugghh I don't know what You're talking" Ash replied in embarrassment and turned around just to hide his blush on his face

Kukui already knew he was blushing especially when talking about Lillie Ash would always try to hid it

Kukui then laughed"hahahaha, I was joking Ash your always embarrassed when I'm talking about Lillie I didn't even say anything like your getting married"

When ash heard that he even became more red, Kukui saw this and laughed even more harder

After 2 minutes of laughter coming out of Kukui he decided to finally calm down it was always fun teasing Ash

"Hey kukui"Ash said

"Yeah?"Kukui replied

"I just wanna say thank you" Kukui said

"Hm for what?"

"For helping me realize what love meant" Ash said

"Oh it was nothing Ash it wasn't that hard" Kukui said

If only it was that easy it literally took him a while to crack the dense head idiots skull, he nearly lost it when he asked what a girlfriend is which he just replied to by saying 'i know what a girlfriend is a girl that is a friend' Kukui didn't want to even remember it being the dense head Ash was, Kukui almost had enough and was about to grab a frying pan and knock out Ash, maybe when he wakes up it would work

"Alright Ash imma go inside now, be back cuz they're almost here" Kukui said and left ash and went back inside

"Alright" Ash replied


As Ash was walking back to regroup with the others he was still looking around

As he was walking he noticed there were pictures of Lillie and her family and other things like went they had their final goodbyes when Lillie and her family were about to leave

But Ash stopped by a drawer and picks the photo and saw a picture, but not just any ordinary family photo but it was Lillie with a another boy holding hands it was obviously not Gladion but some else he had black hair and was wearing a blue and white t shirt and black shorts almost similar to my outfit

But something was off about the boy he could sense it but shrugged it off and put the photo back and decided to start walking back to the group again


"Alright guys I just heard they're at the gate entrance now"Kukui announced

The lobby was filled with me and the alolan gang with Kukui and people who worked from aether like wicke, faba and professor burnet

as everyone was minding their own business, for me I was very excited, I get to see her again we could finally be back as a full group again

"Alright guys they're here, quick places everyone"

We got into place the lights were turned off party popper we're ready all we needed to do is wait

Suddenly the doors open we could hear footsteps coming in, and there she was standing there beside her family with Hobbes behind them, Kukui signalled us with '3 2 1' with us with his fingers

Welcome back Lillie


                          THE END

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