All of Nothing

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Nya, somehow, managed to teach me how to use the basics of Bounty's control panel. Well, she taught me how to use two buttons because everything else was way too complicated. So now I'm watching the monitor, waiting for something to light up. It's been hours since the sun had set but this is the job of a Ninja after all.  I sneeze while I grab a tissue and blow my nose. Geez, I must've been in here for way too long, it's freezing. Suddenly, a red light appears on the screen, catching my eye. "Got you."

I quickly press the red button on the control panel and the intercom is activated. I speak into the microphone, "All Ninja on deck! One was spotted so prepare for interrogation asap!"

I let go of the button, not waiting for Nya to take control of the Bounty. We had to hurry or we could miss our chance entirely of figuring out where even one Fangblade could be. I jump down onto the Deck, running towards my siblings when Sensei suddenly stops me. I turn to him confused, and he shakes his head.

"Y/n. You will not be going with them. I need you here."

My eyes widen. "What!? But Sensei! We finally got a snake by themselves for once!"

The boys hear my outburst and turn to it, seeing Sensei and I together. The boys look at each other confused, walking over to us and Zane speaks up first.  "Sensei, why isn't Y/n going with us?" 

"I need to speak with her. We've been putting it off for far too long. We're going to talk about her true potential."

My eyes widen and we all stay silent. He was right. I've been avoiding it and well, I couldn't avoid it forever. We nod, knowing that there was no ignoring this. The four knew they couldn't argue with Sensei. So each one of them gives me a hug before walking over to the railing and jumping off.

Jay is the last one to hug and leave, leaving me alone with Sensei and I sigh. Sensei guides me to his room while making some small talk. "You've gotten taller. And, you're bangs are growing out."

I smile. "I guess so. I hadn't realized because of everything going on."

It goes on for a bit until we make it to the room, but when the door is opened. My eyes widen. A tea set is laid out ever so carefully and sitting down next to it is Garmadon.

I hold my head and I think back to a familiar scene. 

Sensei sits me down and he goes to sit down next to his older brother. Garmadon sips on his tea before speaking. "Long before you even got your true potential, we knew about your being our father's friend. Well, we knew his friend would come back one day. We just didn't know when."

Sensei then adds on and pulls out a photo. "One day though, our father shows us a photo of you with him. It may be old but I still have it. Both of you are teenagers in this photo. I believe our father said you both were sixteen at the time so when you appeared again those years ago, I was surprised."

"Our father knew that when you... died, you would return and that he won't be there to greet you. He prepared us for your arrival and to help you guide you through a new world. We just didn't know what would happen when you would arrive. Of course, because of the bite, I wasn't here waiting, unlike my brother."

"We expected to be met with a teenager with some sort of scarring but when it was you that showed up. I was surprised but eventually, put the pieces together." Sensei then hands me the photo and I hesitantly look at the old faded photo. And there I am, wearing a short purple kimono, covered in pink flowers, standing next to the First Spinjitzu Master, otherwise known as Sann.

I start getting flashes of that time as I hold my head. 

"Y/n! Let's go take a new thing called a pho-to-graph! To commemorate our friendship!"

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